Cryo-What? Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy | The Silver Pen
Cryo-What? Cryotherapy

Ever since I had my hysterectomy, I have been doing cryotherapy on a regular basis.  Ever heard of it?  Didn’t think so.  It is a complementary therapy that is new to the United States and I have to tell you that I love love love it! Here is the 4-1-1 on it. I HIGHLY encourage checking it out.*  It has definitely been a game changer for me!

What is it?
Whole-body cryotherapy is a technique used to rapidly lower the skin surface temperature to about 32 degrees fahrenheit. The brain reacts to this extreme change by stimulating the regulatory functions of the body and releasing anti-inflammatory proteins and endorphines into the bloodstream. Now the Silver Lining is that you’re only freezing for (usually) 2 minutes or less. That’s it. I put on some really bad 80’s song and bee-bop through the whole thing.

How does it work?
A patient steps into a cryosauna where gasiform nitrogen is used to rapidly lower skin temperature levels. The cryosauna temperature ranges between -238 degrees fahrenheit to -274 degrees fahrenheit for about two to three minutes of treatment. While it may seem that the cryosauna is similar to the effects of an ice bath (but much more complicated!) it actually results in a very different response from the body. 15 minutes in an icebath causes the body to move blood to the extremities and results in a chilled lowering of the body’s core temperature. Two to three minutes in a cryosauna where dry cold only reaches the top layers of skin causes the body to release anti-inflammatory proteins and endorphins resulting in super-charged blood. Every time I do it, I feel like I have had 5 espresso’s. I have TONS of energy and feel completely amazing.

  • What are the benefits?
    Skin: When the outter skin is briefly “frozen”, the body increases the production of collahen in deeper layers of the skin, which results in skin regaining elasticity, becoming smoother, even-toned, and improving conditions of cellulite and skin aging.
  • Endocrine: The extreme cold temperatures cause the body to increase its metabolic rate in order to produce heat. This effect lasts 5-8 hours after the procedure causing the body to burn up to 500-800 kcal. Another reaction to the freezing temperatures is the body’s release of hormones that have pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Musculoskeletal: the anti-inflammatory effects of cryotherapy drastically improve joint disorders such as osteroarthritis and rheumatoid. Athletes are able to recover from injuries much quicker and improve their performance when using cryotherapy.
  • Immune System: Cryotherapy increases white blood cell count, especially lymphocytes and monocytes, which improves the immune system.

Cryotherapy is ideal for athletes seeking muscle recovery, people with chronic pain and inflammatory conditions, and those seeking weight loss and skin rejuvenation. Professional athletes in the NBA, MLB, NHL, and NFL have made a critical part of their recovery treatments. Cryotherapy is also used on post-surgery patients to accelerate healing and reduce pain without the side effects of pain medications. This is why I used it and it did wonders for me.

Cryotherapy | The Silver Pen

 *Please don’t do ANYTHING without the knowledge and blessing of your health care team!


  1. Wow, that is a new one. Sorry about the pain from surgery. :-(. Is this complimentary therapy like acupuncture, or a medical Rx? I am glad you found a way to get some relief. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for this article! We just recently opened a wellness center in Washington State (The Cryo Center) and we are the only business that offers Whole Body Cryotherapy to the public. Blogs like yours are great for us to share to get the word out as this is a new technology to this area! Thanks again and I’m glad you loved the benefits of WBC!!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with Whole Body Cryotherapy, Hollye.
    Like Callie in Washington State, we are opening a Whole Body Cryotherapy center in San Diego – the first of it’s kind in the area. We are so thrilled to be offering this beneficial treatment to our community. Keep feeling AMAZING!!

    1. Of course, Gretchen! So happy that more cryotherapy centers are opening around the country. Please feel free to share my blog wherever you would like. Best wishes!

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