Safety During Chemotherapy Treatment

Safety During Chemotherapy Treatment

This week, I heard an absolutely heart-breaking, tear inducing, mind-numbing story involving a person who had just finished a chemo treatment. While driving, this person had a bad reaction to a just-received medication and this reaction caused a fatal car crash. Unimaginable and truly horrific, I know.

This incident automatically made me think about my own situation. After surgery and during chemo, I drove as often as I could because it gave me a feeling of normalcy and independence (that FBC robbed from me every chance it had); however, there were multiple times when I couldn’t remember where I lived. Literally. I did not know how to get home. The Silver Lining was that I remembered my address and was able to put it into my GPS system to deliver me safely at my home. I realize that use of the word “safe” is a stretch.

Another time, I remember swerving (screeching might be a better description) across 3 lanes of traffic to throw up on the side of the road (rather than all over my steering wheel and front window). Many people honked at me, but the Silver Lining was that I made it to the side of the road “safely” (another questionable use of the word safe).

Hearing about this fatal car crash sent shivers up and down my spine…because that could just have easily been me. Wow. As much as I wanted (needed!) the independence and freedom of driving myself, the truth of the matter is that driving after surgery or while taking any medications has the potential to be dangerous. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you know that I always tell you the truth.

I wish that I had heard this information when I was sick because I know that I would have made different decisions.

So, what to do? NOW is the time to engage your resources. As I’ve said so many times, cancer doesn’t just happen to you. It happens to your family, your friends and your community. So many people are looking for opportunities to help you, but often do not know how. Here is a perfect opportunity.

You can ask them to drive you to and from appointments…to the grocery store…to the library. The truth of the matter is that asking for help during cancer treatment is a sign of strength not weakness. Your loved ones will feel so glad to be asked and able to help, and the best Silver Lining of all is that you (and other drivers) will be kept safe!

You can still feel independent by asking your “driver” to simply drop you off and then pick you up at a designated time.  Assure them that as much as you appreciate their driving, that you need the time by yourself to shop or go to a movie, etc.

The most important thing is to stay safe. Always and in all ways!


  1. Indeed, Catherine. It is motivating to find other sources of normalcy. I was so sad and sorry to hear this story as well.

  2. Thank you Hollye for this important message. As an independent woman myself it's hard to imagine not taking care of myself. So many of my friends have offered to help … I have been accepting their love and using it as a time to build friendships. Last week my friend drove me 3 hours to LA (yep LA traffic gotta love it !) for my post Op appointment. Our friendship will never be the same…. she saw me at one of my most vulnerable… I was upset following an anxious discussion with the surgeon and she lgave me room to process. Afterwards we decided to enjoy a wonderful lunch in Mailbu with a view of the ocean. I will remember how special she was and our lunch memory as much as I will remember the emotionally draining doctor's visit. There are silver linings in these moments…

    1. Absolutely, dear Martha. There are indeed Silver Linings in these moments…and I'm so glad you were able to find them. Please take good care!

  3. Hello, I just accidentally happened upon this post and site. Almost as though it was sent directly to read. I nearly lost my breath when I read this. My mother was undergoing chemotherapy treatment also ( RICE) to be specific and was killed in a car crash recently on August 8th, 2014. Her car suddenly started to speed up to 45 mph. She then changed lanes into the inner lane and continued from there directly into the median and was stopped at a tree. It is just terrible, as we have no answers as to why. If it was a product liability case, the car released the air bag while driving out of now where suddenly, a faulty ignition which is a problem in the news with GM now, which she drove which would disable power steering suddenly and cause the car to be uncontrollable, or the breaks just would not work as another defect from the car. On the other hand, medically, what could have happened? The medical report states there was no heart attack, no stroke, no clot, etc. She died from blunt force chest and abdomen trauma. She had gone through all the chemo for Lymphoma treatment, endured all the side effects if pain, only to become cancer free and was driving to her very last treatment that morning, only 3 minutes after leaving home. When you say bad reaction, what do you mean specifically? Passed out, fainted, lost vision, heart attack? The drug companies are not alerting people NOT to drive while undergoing this stuff. She drove herself there all the time and they were fully aware of that and never once advised not to or suggested my father drive her. Now, he has terrible guilt thinking if only he had just insisted that day and if he had been the one driving her, things would be different and she would be here now with her family. He offered many times and she insisted she was fine and insisted on the independence illusion it created. That terrible morning he asked how she felt and she she was ” feeling good” then and ready to go on in for her final treatment. I am very religious person, honestly, I’m having a problem right now trying to understand why? Any information you can share are greatly appreciated. We don’t have any answers after two months and haven’t gotten any closer which continues to cause great pain on all of us. Can you please message me with more details? That could really help us understand how we lost her, which has been unimaginable hell to just wait for crumbs of information. She was a wife, retired school teacher, mom, grandmother and friend and each of us miss her beyond any words that I could use here. Thank you for your time in this matter. My email is: kbaze@ I, as well feel the word must get out on this to protect those undergoing chemo treatment or others on the road in general that are at risk as well. Any more specifics you can offer, I know will help in some way and help bring us closer to finding the answer. I would love to help as many people as I can to pay it forward. I have discovered a miracle line of products from Switzerland which are the ONLY detox/wellness/ anti aging products endorsed by The Mayo Clinic. I have copies of hundreds of testimonials from other cancer patients available upon request. There are products also for anti aging skin care and wellness to help keep people from getting cancer to begin with as there are completed studies confirming the SAME exact parabens and toxins as well as animal products found present in all tumors removed from the study group of 125 people with cancer. It’s very real and people must be educated and shown the way to these products. I’m happy to help, please reach out to me and we can work it out together for anyone that reads this post and wants to protect themselves, their loved ones and those who already have cancer and need help detoxing their body from all the positions due to chemo drugs. Every person has the same reaction! Wishes they had known about all this years ago and had gotten access to them. 🙂 I CAN help you. lBlessings to you and yours, Kellie

    1. Dear Kellie,
      Thank you for sharing your story. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom.
      I would like to learn more about the products. They sound fascinating.
      All my very best!

      1. Hi Hollye, thank you for all your information here. I so have enjoyed reading it. I just accidentally came across your site! Yes, it’s been devastating. We still have no answer about how the crash happened. The lawyers are investigating everything which seems to take forever. I’m excited for you to learn about these amazing detox products as well as the signature best selling anti aging facial regime set that shows the real results we are looking for! Why don’t we start with me emailing you the literature for you to learn a little more then, I would love to send you samples to try for yourself. Our products pretty much sell themselves. If you agree after your experience, I would love to get your thoughts on how to get these out to those going through cancer treatment or have finished treatment as well as people who just don’t want parabens and toxins in their products! My email is : I look forward to sharing and sending you what I have! It’s seriously life changing. Just reach out and let me know where I can I can email you the literature. Lastly, we are the ONLY skin care and wellness products endorsed by The Mayo Clinic. 🙂 there is just nothing like these products and vegan protein powder on the market here in the U.S. Have a great day! Best, Kellie

  4. I haven’t driven my car for months I get distracted so easily and sometimes I cannot remember the roads , I thought I was going crazy , I know its the chemo making us crazy .not only driving but I forget some names and sentences

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