Surgery is scheduled for 7:00 am. Right now (at 6:00 am, after arriving at 5:00 am), I’m sitting on the floor of the pre-registration office…W A I T I N G. I’ve already had three pre-registration phone calls (lasting anywhere from 10-20 minutes each!) and yet, here I sit.
Girlfriend and husband are sitting patiently (well, as patiently as the husband can sit). Gigantic SL to be here with them.
Husband report will come during and/or after surgery.
Have a great day…and enjoy the fresh air, wherever you are!
you both are truly an inspiration to everyone who has
ever had to deal with illness in any way. Thanks so much
for sharing. We are keeping you in our prayers. We truly
believe that 90% of getting better comes from a positive
attitude and you have the most positive attitude of anyone
who has ever faced this disease. Praying for a quick
recovery for you.
Double prayers today as promised! Can't wait to see the new perky you 🙂