Friday Photos: A Whirlwind of a Week!

It’s been a whirlwind of a week, from Washington to California. From the chemo infusion center to the pumpkin patch. My head is a wee bit spinny, but as always, I’m grateful for all of the Silver Linings in my life!

Sweetly Six at the pumpkin patch. Check out those fingernails. The girl was having some F.U.N.!

When I think of a cancer cell, this is what I think of.

On the side of the MLK Memorial:

 Out of the Mountain of Despair

A Stone of Hope

Sweetly Six playing Foosball. Classic.

Hope you all have had a Silver Lined week!






  1. Good Morning Hollye,

    I am a nurse in Bellingham Wa. I had a mammogram February 2012 and it came back normal other than I have fibrous breast. The previous mammogram a year ealier indicated an area that needed an ultrasound and ended up being o.k. as well. Now, as of about 3-4 weeks ago, I have a hard lump about the size of a golf ball under the right nipple area and a little tender. I have had this checked and I am scheduled for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I am concerned about doing a mammogram, flattening out that firm area. My question is would you sugguest that I have a biopsy if indicated and would you recommend the radiologist do the biopsy or someone else. Would you recommend that I do right away or wait. I appreciate your input.



    1. Dear Cheryl,
      Thank you for your note. It feels like yesterday that I was in your position. In terms of making a specific recommendation for you, I'm afraid that I can't do that. This decision is completely yours (obviously) and is ideally made in partnership with your physician.

      What I can do is tell you what I did:
      I proceeded quickly (with diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound and then biopsy) because, quite frankly, I wanted to know what on earth I was dealing with. At the recommendation of my internist, I had my biopsy done by a surgeon. Here is the full story of my diagnosis process:

      I hope that this helps. Please stay in touch and let me know how you do.
      All my best wishes!

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