SL Book: The Secret Garden

As you may recall, when I was sick, Sweetly Six and I watched a lot of Silver Lined movies, usually snuggle-buggled in bed. They were a way for us to spend time together during my treatments when my get-up-and-go got up and left.

Instead of watching movies these days, we are embarking on reading classic books aloud to each other.

The idea stemmed from my Fancy Nancy fatigue. Don’t get me wrong, the Fancy Nancy books are amazing and (for years!) have been an inspirational source of stupendous vocabulary words.

Sweetly Six has loved books from the time she was an infant and the HOTY and I would toss 10-15 books in her crib in the morning to buy us time for a shower. These days, she walks down the hall reading books (and yes, often runs into walls in the process). So, I thought that it was time to step it up a bit.

The first book that we are reading is The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I read it when I was a little girl and forgot just how good it is. Oh my goodness. The writing is divine. Truly.

The Secret Garden was written in 1911 but it is as compelling as ever because of its gripping story, colorful characters and positive message. Most days, we read a chapter in the morning and a chapter before bed.

If you haven’t read a classic in a while, I highly recommend it. And an extra Silver Lining awaits when you read one with a child.


  1. What a fab book to spend time with … my daughter now lives "up north" in Yorkshire – quite near the moors. Whenever I see a robin, I think of Ben Weatherstaff and Mary and Dickon and Colin. I bought my little granddaughter an anniversary copy for Christmas last year and I hope she keeps it as long as I've kept mine (it's still in the bookcase with Winnie-the-Pooh). But a word of warning, if I may, don't be tempted to the sequel – Return to the Secret Garden by Susan Moody – and expect the same enchantment. It takes the characters through to adulthood and is most definitely NOT for children. (For other opinions see –

  2. …and when you finish that, you must read the rest of her books – I did this with Dryden and we read them one after the other!! Little Lord Fauntleroy, The Lost Price (LOVED!!!) and A Little Princess. Each and every one of these books was divine, particularly to share with a child!

  3. I can remember my mother reading The Secret Garden to my sister. She read with great feeling and drama, as if Cecil B. deMille himself were in the room taking notes. She came to the end with a flourish, completely absorbed by the story and no doubt her own performance. My sister looked up with wide eyes and said, "Mama, did you know your teeths was crooked?"

  4. Thank you for sharing this! Brought back such fond memories of reading it to my little girl (now in college). We also loved the "Anne of Green Gables" series, timeless and beautiful. Anything by Beverly Cleary is also a joy and so much fun to read aloud!

  5. I discovered The Secret Garden when I was 10 years old, in a marvelous public library located in a wonderful, ancient building in L.A. It has been on my bookshelf ever since and I have shared it with every child in my life. It is a beautiful, beautiful read and inspires you to plant a garden, even if it is only a wee terracotta pot on a sunny window. My Mom instilled in me a love for books early on in my life, one of the best gifts she ever gave me. She has been gone for years now, but this post brought back some truly lovely memories and I thank you.

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