Photography and Philanthropy – Nick Brandt – Big Life Foundation

I have recently come across the stunning photography of Nick Brandt. His exquisite images are simultaneously inspiring and haunting. Jane Goodale aptly describes his iconic photography when she says:

Nick’s photographs arouse deep emotions. They inspire a sense of awe at the beauty of creation and the sacredness of life. It’s almost impossible to look through his work without sensing the personalities of the beings whom he has photographed.

There is a major Silver Lining to Nick Brandt’s work.  In 2010, he founded the Big Life Foundation,  a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Africa’s wildlife and ecosystems. A specific focus on Big Life is to decrease the prolific poaching in the region. Within just one year of inception, this new level of coordinated protection has already elicited a dramatic reduction in poaching in the ecosystem. Big Life’s teams are now apprehending poachers almost every time they kill, with a number of significant arrests of some of the worst, most prolific long-term poachers in the region have at long last been engineered by Big Life’s teams. As a result of these successes, Big Life has been able to quickly send out a strong message that killing wildlife now carries a far greater risk of being arrested. How is that for a major Silver Lining? To learn more and possibly even make a contribution, please visit the website:

Elephant Drinking, Amboseli, 2007
Abandoned Ostrich Egg, Amboseli, 2007
Gorilla on Rock, Parc des Volcans, 2008
Wildebeest Arc, Maasai Mara, 2006.
Buffalo with Lowered Head, Amboseli, 2007
Cheetah and Cubs 2003
Hippos on the Mara River, Maasai Mara, 2002
Hippos on the Mara River, Maasai Mara, 2002
Lion Before Storm II – Sitting Profile
Elephant with Exploding Dust, Amboseli, 2004


  1. Breath looking right into their beautiful souls. I love the giraffe photo and the cheetah and cubs photo. Thanks for sharing!

      1. Incredible photo's. I find Nick's work very layered in that one can see not only the soul/spirit of the animals, but also his own. Quite humbling and beautiful. Thanks for sharing! ~

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! These are the photographs that I aspire to make. I am now trying to figure out how I can get to NY to see the exhibit he has at a gallery there before it closes in May.

  3. I'm such a fan of Nick Brandt's work. Jane Goodall expressed so poignantly when she said that he captures the personalities of every animal he photographs. That is a rare talent indeed. My deepest prayer is that generations to come will also be able to see and photograph these magnificent creatures. As much as I love his work, it pains me deeply to contemplate the thought that photos may eventually be all that we have to remember these creations.

    1. Dear Susan,
      Thanks so much for your note. I couldn't agree more with your thoughts….I hope that we can all rise to the challenge and preserve these animals and their environment. Thank you, again!

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