Life Lessons in Tennis

For the first time in my life, I have joined a tennis team. I haven’t played a team sport since…well, high school. While I’d like to believe that high school wasn’t long ago, reality begs to differ. Though I never played tennis, I was the only girl on the boys varsity soccer team…which means that I’m part determined, part strong and part nincompoop.

As a new team player, I want to be the best that I can be and have been practicing and practicing trying to improve my (newly left-handed) game. For new readers, because of the lousy lymphedema that I developed in my right arm after my double mastectomy, I switched hands and now play left handed tennis. Yes, it has taken (and continues to take) a great deal of brain rewiring!

Today was my third doubles match of the season. I was psyched to get on the court and compete. However — GULP — first I choked and then I crashed and burned. Essentially, I played like a complete buffoon. Aside from being really disappointed, I did find some Silver Linings:

  1. We were rained out after the first of two sets, which means that we will finish the match and I have the opportunity to redeem myself.
  2. As I was leaving the court, there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky.
  3. Our opponents were very lovely people.
  4. The biggest and best Silver Lining was that tennis was the focus of my morning. Not chemo. Not nausea. Not an impending surgery. A big f-bomb Silver Lining, if I do say so myself!

On my 45-minute drive home, I started thinking about how tennis mirrors life and came up with some wonderful ways that life is like a tennis match (which happened to be another Silver Lining):


  1. I love your view of this. I'm sure there are people who get so upset when they lose a game. You now have serious perspective. So happy you were able to see the rainbow after the match. That's always fun.

    I find that rock climbing is also very therapeutic and full of life lessons. Have you ever tried it? First of all, when you climb you can't think of anything else, so it's a great way to get your mind off of things that are bothering you. Also, you quickly find that one little shift in perspective can completely open up a climb that looked impossible. If you haven't done it, you should go. I'll bet SS would love it!

    1. Thanks so much for your note, Victoria! I haven't tried rock climbing…because I'm terrified of heights. I've heard that it is incredibly calming. SS tried it a bit on our family vacation in Yosemite and well, let's just say that we got a lot of chuckles! Thank you again!

  2. Your "life lessons in tennis" shows your spirit to conquer the sport even having to switch hands to be a "leftie". You have grit girl and you are such a trooper! I see that same positive attitude in you that you had as a youngster playing soccer with the boys. You have just traded in your soccer cleats for tennis togs.

  3. I've been following you for some time now. Visiting your blog is a part of my daily routine. You are inspirational and your website/design layout has been given much thoughtful detail. I appreciate your beauty that shines through your website. I want to encourage you today as you have encouraged me. Thank you.

  4. This is great! I am captain of my tennis team and would love to share this with my team. Is it possible to print this somehow?

  5. I googled tennis images and came upon Life Lessons in Tennis. I was so impressed I visited this website. I, too, would appreciate a copy. Thank you for your inspirations.

  6. Absolutely love this is there any way I can get a copy would love to put it on my wall in my exercise room!

  7. this is such a great message for tennis lovers. We are hosting a 21st birthday and would love to print this as a decoration. Could I perhaps get a printable version?

  8. My sons just started their h.s. tennis season and I would love to print this for them – so inspring and so true!! Is ot possible to get a copy? Thank you for posting this! 🎾❤

  9. I would love to have this on a poster or an 8-1/2 x 11 image to frame. It’s got such a great message.

  10. Thanks I’m going to use it for my talk at Church tomorrow. The church leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints are really changing things so we need to keep our eye on the ball, believe in ourselves that we can keep the commandments etc. Really hope it is going to go well as I love Tennis.

  11. I love the message. We are celebrating a true tennis fan for a special bday and I would love to print and frame the life lessons in tennis for her. Could I get a printable version?

  12. Upon retirement, I picked up a tennis racquet and I’m now playing 3-4 times a week! You so eloquently drew connections between life and a tennis match! Your spirit, determination, and perseverance come across in your prose! I have no doubt you always tackle life’s ups and downs with strength and positivity.
    You are an inspiration and roll model!

    Thank you for sharing. If you would, I’d love a copy to print so I can share with my tennis team;)


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