
As I continue to move beyond the side effects of chemo, I am able to see the light at the end of the long, long tunnel. (The light is still a long way off, but it is there.  And that is a huge Silver Lining!).

During this visualization, “Re” words keep popping into my mind, beginning with:

Recovery from the cancer. Recovery from the toxicity of the treatment.

Reclaim my life.

Rehabilitate my mind, body and soul.

Renew relationships.

Reverse chemo brain, ‘roid rage, fatigue, and insomnia.

Reflect on this FBC experience to ascertain what I’ve learned and how I’ve grown.

Reconvey my gratitude for the love, generosity and support that we have received during this period.

Realize what makes my heart and soul joyful.

Reset my circadian rhythm (and get OFF of the sleeping pills!).

Reacquaint myself with friends. With hiking trails. With the tennis court (a la Lefty Lucie!).

Readjust my expectations of myself.

Reaffirm that I have not lost my mind and will, eventually, feel whole again.

Reanalyze what I am passionate about in the world.

Reallocate my energies to those passions.

Reappraise my priorities.

Reengage with the world.

Reorganize my day-to-day life.

Reawaken to the light and positive energy that surrounds me.

Rebook our trip to New Zealand!

Rebuild my mind and body.

Recalibrate my capacity for physical, mental and emotional endurance.

Recapitulate my experiences with FBC.

Recharge my batteries, which I’m told can take a lot longer than you think it should.

Remember everything…from what I had to breakfast to what I did last week.

Redirect my life. I was going down one path and was inadvertently thrown off of it.  The process of redirecting it will be an amazing one.

Reciprocate the love, attention and generosity of my friends and family during this time.

Reduce the amount of time that I spend worrying about things that I cannot control.

Refine my priorities.

Retire my guilt.

Relocate my car key (that I can never find thanks to chemo brain).

Refold my sweaters. Seriously.

The only thing I’m NOT going to do is Remarry!

We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

~Joseph Campbell



  1. REMARKABLE!!! With immense gratitude for your gift of sharing love, empathy and creating human connections that expand perception. What a blessing!!! If you have a moment, please watch the Brene Brown TEDX conference lecture (on utube) which perfectly captures the essence of Brookside Buzz. Heartfelt REGARDS, Susan Rooney (Trish's sister-in-law)

  2. Hollye,
    Every post is so powerful. Your blog has become my daily reflection and review time. Thank you for your candid AWESOME writings. Each and everyone makes me feel closer to you and helps me become a better person. You continually blow my mind. Keep up the SLs you should copyright this word. I use it regularly now. I love you and keep being you!

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