The Silver Pen Turns TWO!

Wow, what a glorious, celebratory day it is. I am stunned by the fact that The Silver Pen is TWO years old today!  This is officially my 1,150th post. Ha! That makes me chuckle. Who would have thought that I, the girl who had never so much as even looked at a blog two years ago, would have written over 1100 posts. Cuckoo.

What began with an f-bomb cancer diagnosis has evolved into something that has exceeded my wildest dreams and illuminated the most amazing Silver Linings in my life.

Speaking of Silver Linings, on this day, I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude and appreciation for you, my dear readers. Each and every day, you inspire and encourage me.  I am so grateful for each and every note, comment, idea and suggestion.  Thank you for being there each and every day.

Here is to another year!


  1. Congratulations Hollye! I'm grateful for you (even if it's through the internet) in my life. I've been reading for a long time now and I've enjoyed every single day! Thank you for all your hard work, funny quips, detailed information, uplifitng thoughts, heart felt honesty and so much more!

  2. Thank YOU. I started to read this blog one year ago and it has been such a great reading experience. I live far from you in Northern Europe, Finland and some of your posts bring back great memories from California vacations and those great days we enjoyed Santa Barbara. I wish you all the best and thank you warmly for sharing the great silver linings and stories.

    1. Dear Inni,
      What a treat to hear from you…all the way in Finland. One of the great joys of this blog is that it has made international connections. I feel so inspired. Thank you for writing and reading!
      Take good care,

  3. Hollye:
    Congratulations on 2 years….and the gifts that came with them.
    Every time I hear about another F-bomb diagnosis, the first thing I do is pass on the Silver Pen.
    Here's to the Silver Pen book….seriously.

  4. Congratulations on your two year anniversary of writing 1150 blogs! Wow!

    I found your website a few months ago, and it has absolutely been a silver lining in my life.

    Love your positive uplifting blogs, and your readers who share their stories as well. We are a sisterhood who share a common bond.

    Blessings for you, Hollye, and your Silver Pen blog.

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