Despite ridiculous levels of pain (still working on this issue), today was a glorious, adventurous day. I walked around the entire periphery of our home and took in the beautiful sites. I was so grateful to be able to walk, take (the following) photos, look at the mountains and breathe the clean and gorgeous air.

Now, it’s time to PASS OUT.
Sweet dreams!
You are such an inspiration to me and to all of your friends. Despite what you are going through, your disposition is uplifting and so positive. Not that I am surprised by this, but your attitude is wonderful. You remind us to appreciate the simple and beautiful things in life. I admire your strength and outlook.
Our thoughts and prayers remain with you and your family. I know this is a challenging time. You are an amazing woman.
Susan McCaw
BFF, thanks for sharing your trip to Sedona with us, as well as your bucolic walk today around the outside of your home. Beautiful flowers, blue skies, slight ocean breeze, and plenty of sunshine–oh, so healing!!!
You are doing lots, considering your surgery was a week ago today. I know how much you love the outdoors and I'm sure being couped up is not pleasant for you at all.
I think of you everyday and continue to pray for a complete healing!
Take good care, dear friend!
Hol, I'm sooooooo pleased you were able to be outside and appreciate our CA sunshine!(SL) You are amazing!!! After all,it was only a week ago you had your surgery! Keep up the great work!
Love Always,
Love those pictures!
Keep on healin'!
you are a ROCK STAR!!!! chicago has been thinking of you and praying for you. your gorgeous pictures from montecito make us all happy that you are there and recuperating in sunshine and gorgeous trees and outdoors. such an amazing place for healing.
keep on kicking booty. so much love!