Change is in the Air!

First of all, I’d like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU all for reading this blog.  I am deeply honored and humbled by your support and continued enthusiasm for my writing. Truly. Thank you.

As you know, Brookside Buzz was originally intended to be a way to communicate about my breast cancer diagnosis and treatment directly with family and friends. A year later, and gazillions of Silver Linings later, I’ve witnessed the growth of the blog into a place I could never have imagined.  Come to think of it, a year ago, I barely knew what a blog was!

The blog is one of the (many!) Silver Linings to have come out of FBC. Many of you have encouraged me to continue to writing.  (Thank you for that, by the way!) I am happy to say that if you all will keep reading, then I will certainly keep writing.

It has been suggested to me that (much as I did at mile 11 in the 1/2 Marathon) I kick things up a notch.

So, it is with great anticipation and excitement that I announce that big changes are on the Silver Lined horizon.  In fact, I’m smack dab in the middle of redesigning the blog.  To call me thrilled would truly be an understatement.  In fact, I’m simply giddy!

Don’t worry. The blog will still be all me. My voice. My writing. My (occasional!) sarcasm. My musings. The blog will stay true to my style, life goals and of course, cancer treatments.

One of the changes includes making the blog more user friendly.  One of the things that I hear so often is “Where can I find…?” Well, in its new format, information will be much more accessible and better organized.

Another exciting feature is the creation of a community wherein people can share their own stories. I have been buoyed by the experiences of others and I am hopeful that by creating a forum in which people can share their own experiences, we can create a community of support and, of course, Silver Linings.

As I am still in the planning phase, I would love to hear from you.  What would you like to see?  What do you enjoy? How can I improve the blog? Any thoughts or input?  I’d love to hear from you!

In the meantime, thank you all, again & again & again for your continued support! I really feel like I cannot say Thank You enough!

Until the unveiling, I’ll be at Brookside Buzz, per the usual.



  1. Good morning. I came to your blog off the recommendation of a GOOP article. I couldn't stop reading your blog and I love its personal feel from your wonderful insights/links into your adventures, husband, children, dog, etc. If I could make one suggestion is that you position the link "From the Beginning" somewhere near the top of your blog. Yours is such a strong and inspirational story and it should be featured up top rather than scrolling down to find it. Good luck. and I look forward to the fun changes ahead. God Bless.

    1. Thanks a million, Jo Ann! Your note means so much to me! I appreciate your input and we will definitely be moving "From the Beginning" to the very top. Many thanks, again!

  2. Input for change? First it is hard to improve something I enjoy! When I describe your blog I share that you were diagnosed with BC a year ago, but it is so much more than that experience, you share fashion, decorating, travels, concerts, movies and books and lovely snippets of photos of your daughter and Friday is usually a recipe.then I describe that you are intelligent, humorous and discover SL's daily. I think it is all of the above that keeps me coming back for more!
    The only thoughts I have would be a link of your quotes and your photos, but then again maybe I am the only one that enjoys them enough that some evening reviewing them like a slideshow might be relaxing-they do have a way of telling your life story too. "I just thinking" Hollye I love it as it is or I wouldn't look forward to checking your posts each evening!
    Love you and your attitude!

  3. Sounds great! Love the idea of a forum. The sharing of stories is powerful. To access all the information we possibly can, in order to make informed choices for ourselves, is an integral part of the cancer journey. Thank you so much! I look forward to your new format.

    1. Thanks so much, Kim. I couldn't agree more about the necessity to make informed choices. It is a great priority. Thanks for continuing to read!

  4. I love your blog – blogs are new to me. I am not a techie girl…but I am a FBC survivor. Your blog feels like the support group that I never wanted (but evidently needed). Thanks for your recipes, nutritional and of course mental/spiritual insights. My friend who reads GOOP forwarded me the link to your blog. Being associated with "high rollers" i hope you don't lose sight of the "normal folk" who can't invite you to a jewelry premier but may have great tips / thoughts nonetheless. Not sure how many people read your blog but sure hope you give credence to the no-namers who reach out to you. Your new forum may allow FBC survivors to reach one another with ideas, etc even if you yourself have all of the support you need. Keep up the great work!

    1. Dear Regan,
      Thank you so much for your comment and feedback. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It is my very intention that the new format will indeed allow ALL FBC patients, survivors, family and friends to have a safe (& fun!) place to come for support, information, and warmth. I've found that support comes in a variety of ways (SL!). As a Social Worker who led support groups in my clinical work, I was never inclined to participate in a (live) support group (though I do advocate them and know many people who benefit from them!), but have found support in wonderful other ways and forums. Thank you again for your feedback. Please keep it coming!

  5. I came to your blog after reading Silver Linings. I was diagnosed with Breast cancer in October 2013. My emotions took over immediately. (I am a very emotional person to begin with but this made matters worse). The shock was one I could not describe until I read your book. Thank you for writing it. I am presently doing Chemo,(4th treatment coming up. It's a total of 8 treatments once every three weeks) but I consider myself lucky. Yes I have some side effects but it's has not gotten to the point where I cannot function. I am still working my full time job. I am a little more tired than usual but I can still function.

    Your book answered so many of my questions.
    I am not one to ask for help but I have started to because I am no longer able to do everything by myself. I am not pushing my body to that point. When my body says it's time to rest that's what I do.

    God Bless You

    1. Dear Gail,
      Thank you so much for your kind note. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Though I am sorry for what you are going through, I am grateful for the fact that you are able to work and function. A Silver Lining? 🙂
      Please take good care and stay in touch.
      Sending all of my very best wishes to you!

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