Coping with Cancer During the Holidays

While I loooooove the holidays, they are also fraught with challenges You know what I mean?  Too many calories. Too little sleep.  Too many errands. Too little time. The year that I had FBC was especially difficult – obviously. DUH. I felt completely out of step from the rest of the world during that holiday… Continue reading Coping with Cancer During the Holidays

Being a Friend to Someone With Cancer

Being a Friend to Someone With Cancer While on the book tour, the number one question that people asked me (and I am asked on a daily basis) is “How do I be a friend to someone with Cancer?” In light of this question and all of the new blog readers, I thought I would… Continue reading Being a Friend to Someone With Cancer

How to Make Stress Your Friend

How to Make Stress Your Friend Last week – speaking at the Clinton Foundation Women’s Health Day – was stressful. I drove the poor HOTY crazy with my all-consuming stress. He said to me, “We’ve got to do something about this stress.  It’s too much!”  Poor Guy…. Now the Silver Lining was that I ended up having… Continue reading How to Make Stress Your Friend

Long Distance Caregiving of a Friend with Cancer

Long Distance Caregiving of a Friend with Cancer As if having a friend with cancer isn’t bad enough, right? Well, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news when I say that it can feel worse. How? you ask.  When you live a bagillion miles away and can’t be with the person you love… Continue reading Long Distance Caregiving of a Friend with Cancer

Caregiver Fatigue

As I wrote recently, caregiving can be a demanding and stressful experience, either personally or professionally. Sometimes I don’t think that caregivers get enough credit for what they do. “Caregiver fatigue” is a serious condition characterized by a gradual lessening of compassion over time. I know it sounds rotten, but I’ve seen it happen and… Continue reading Caregiver Fatigue

Caring for the Caregiver

In the world of f-bomb cancer and other illnesses, a “Caregiver” is someone who is responsible for attending to the physical, emotional, or financial needs of another person. There are formal and informal caregivers. Formal caregivers are trained professionals paid for their services. Hiring professional caregivers is expensive. Really expensive as a matter of fact.… Continue reading Caring for the Caregiver