My silver lining was going on facebook and finding the link to this blog where I can tell my story. My story begins in spring, 2007 when my husband of 32 years was diagnosed with soft cell sarcoma. He lived four years with this painful disease and died Jan.2011. I was his primary caregiver I… Continue reading JoAnn's Silver Linings
Pat's Silver Linings
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in early November 1988. On November 28, 1988, I had a bilateral mastectomy and have been cancer free since then. If you feel a lump, have severe pain, etc.etc., see you MD right away. This is your body and you need to remember you are number one, at taking… Continue reading Pat's Silver Linings
Koryn's Silver Linings
I was diagnosed with invasive ductal and infiltrating lobular Her2+ breast cancer 3 years ago It was October of 2008, the month of my 45th birthday. With 4 kids finishing high school, and beginning college, and my husband and I facing our golden years together, this was NOT part of our game plan! From… Continue reading Koryn's Silver Linings
Lynn's Silver Linings
I was diagnosed July 1st of this year. I was always worried about getting breast cancer my whole life. (I am 56.) Then I got it this year. This year started out better than other years for me. I remember thinking before my FBC (borrowing from you) that I felt the best physically and mentally… Continue reading Lynn's Silver Linings
Sandra's Silver Linings
Clairfied awareness has become an integral part of my life, by this I mean that I now want to know everything … I traveled in Boston, I wanted to know who thought of the transit system, who designed it, who built it? I want to know who, what, where, when and why??? I was always… Continue reading Sandra's Silver Linings
Jean's Silver Linings
I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer fall of 2003, had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction then chemo, then tamoxifen, then arimidex and since my cancer liked to grow with estrogen I got rid of my ovaries too. I highly reccomend you read Kris Carr’s book “Crazy Sexy Diet” REALLY get it from… Continue reading Jean's Silver Linings
Eugenia's Silver Linings
The silver lining of breast cancer: you might ask? How can there be one? After a devastating diagnoses what to do? No pity parties here lets get into fight mode!! With love, support from fellow survivors , great doctors , optimisms and goals you can do it!! You are not alone!!! I just finished my year of herceptin 12.1.11,… Continue reading Eugenia's Silver Linings
Survivor Guilt After Cancer Treatment
Survivor Guilt After Cancer Treatment I’ve never wondered why I was diagnosed with cancer. Many people have asked me, “Why on earth would you, a young, healthy, happy person with no family history get breast cancer?” Even when other people wondered, I never have. I guess I figured that “Why?” wasn’t the point. I had cancer.… Continue reading Survivor Guilt After Cancer Treatment
Anticipation After Cancer Treatment
This week, I have my first 3 month checkup post treatment. I’m going for my blood work tomorrow morning and will see my Oncologist on Friday. I am a little nervous. Totally normal, I know. But still.
Proactive Prevention
Last week, I had the great opportunity to hear a talk given by Dr. Marisa Weiss, a breast cancer oncologist and president and founder of, the #1 online breast health and breast cancer resource. In addition to being a breast cancer oncologist and philanthropist, last year, she herself was diagnosed with breast cancer. WTF,… Continue reading Proactive Prevention