Friday Photos: Amazing Animals

Amazing Animals by Lukas Holas Animal images always inspire me. I happen  to believe that they are true Silver Linings in life. I was once told that in a past life I was a Lion. Whether or not I believe this, it does explain my affinity for lions and any and all animals! Hmmm…. Lukas Holas is a… Continue reading Friday Photos: Amazing Animals

Coping With Public Speaking Anxiety

Coping With Public Speaking Anxiety This week feels like the first full week of work after the holidays. Last week was focused on getting Suddenly Seven back in her school routine after a 3 week hiatus and cleaning the piles off of my desk (almost there!). Today, I find myself jumping back into things in a… Continue reading Coping With Public Speaking Anxiety

The Glamorous Golden Globes 2014

The Glamorous Golden Globes 2014 Watching the Golden Globes is always so much fun, especially with Suddenly Seven…who has quite an opinion on dresses, films, and music by the way. The first time that I remember watching the show with her was between my first and second chemo treatments in 2011. Tonight’s commentary reminded me… Continue reading The Glamorous Golden Globes 2014

Sympathy vs Empathy

Sympathy vs Empathy When I was in Nursing School, there was an ongoing debate between the concepts of Empathy and Sympathy. My youthful understanding and subsequent belief was a that sympathy equates to compassion. As a hospice nurse, compassion is at the tippy top of the patient care plan. Many people argued (and at the… Continue reading Sympathy vs Empathy

January Rejuvenation: We Must Always Change Renew Rejuvenate Ourselves

We Must Always Change Renew Rejuvenate Ourselves This month’s Special Silver Lining is the concept of Rejuvenation. When I think about a New Year, I inevitably think about renewal, change and, of course, the opportunity to rejuvenate. According to Webster’s dictionary, rejuvenation means to give new strength or energy to (something). Sign me up! Even though it is inevitable… Continue reading January Rejuvenation: We Must Always Change Renew Rejuvenate Ourselves

2013’s Most Engaging Posts

2013’s Most Engaging Posts On this last afternoon of 2013, I find myself reflecting on this year and counting all of the amazing Silver Linings of the year, beginning with the blog. I especially adore and appreciate all of the amazing feedback and comments that you all share. They mean the world to me. So, I thought… Continue reading 2013’s Most Engaging Posts

2013 Recap

2013 Recap As this year comes to an end (for the life of me, I still can’t figure out how the time has gone so quickly!), I find myself reflecting on the highs (exceptionally high and numerous!) the lows (few and far between) and everything in between, most of which are written about here. Though… Continue reading 2013 Recap