The Silver Lining: Judging a Book By Its Cover

The Silver Lining: Judging a Book By Its Cover In Sunday’s New York Times Book Review section, there was a great story about books and their covers, specifically the value of a good cover. The article referenced George Salter who once said that a good jacket “must be in perfect accord with the literary quality… Continue reading The Silver Lining: Judging a Book By Its Cover

Finding Joy During the Holidays

Finding Joy During the Holidays Choosing to find Silver Linings is, I believe, akin to choosing to find Joy.  Sometimes – especially during the holiday season – joy just presents itself and one can’t help but be delighted by it.  Other times – under the stress of shopping, parties and fatigue – finding joy  becomes more challenging… Continue reading Finding Joy During the Holidays

Bookworm: Alphabet Book by Tierney Gearon

Alphabet Book by Tierney Gearon Last weekend, I had the great and wonderful opportunity to meet artist and author Tierney Gearon. You see, my dear friend Kendall Conrad hosted a book signing for Tierney at her shop in Montecito. Now, truth be told, I had never heard of Tierney or her book, but when Kendall extends an… Continue reading Bookworm: Alphabet Book by Tierney Gearon

December’s Special Silver Lining: Joy

December’s Special Silver Lining: Joy With the holiday season upon us, the word that immediately comes to mind is “Joy.” After all, if ever there were a season for it, this is it! C’mon…work with me here. Joy is defined as: “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying.”… Continue reading December’s Special Silver Lining: Joy

Giving Tuesday 2013

Giving Tuesday 2013 Knowing that today is Giving Tuesday is a Silver Lining start to the day! Since Thanksgiving, we’ve had plenty of days focused on shopping with “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” but now it’s time for the feel good day…”Giving Tuesday”. I believe that it’s incredibly important to teach children about philanthropy early in life.… Continue reading Giving Tuesday 2013

Cyber Monday Shopping Deals

Cyber Monday Shopping Deals In case Holiday Shopping is happening from your computer today (as is the case with me), here are some Cyber Monday Deals offer some pretty ginormous Silver Linings: Anthropologie: 20% off everything you wish, today only! Banana Republic: Ready, set, and shop the BR 40% off anything site wide, with code BRBLACK. Today… Continue reading Cyber Monday Shopping Deals

Why Practice Gratitude

Why Practice Gratitude? Recently, I came across a fantastic article articulating the top research-based reasons for practicing gratitude. Did you know that over the past decade, hundreds of studies have documented the social, physical, and psychological benefits of gratitude? Cool, right? An added Silver Lining is that these benefits are available to most anyone who practices gratitude,… Continue reading Why Practice Gratitude