Though there are no hearts per say on this lovely little (potential) Valentine’s Day gift, it certainly makes my heart pitter patter! I mean, really, how adorable is this delightful book clock? And at $24, the price is a Silver Lining. The Book Clock can be found here: Designed by Sjoerd van Heumen.
Inspired Living & Celebrating Life
The Four Pillars of Health
One of the most impactful things that I took away from my time at Mii Amo in Sedona was the concept of “The Four Sacred Pillars of Life.” I learned about these pillars from an Ayurvedic practitioner in an effort to try to figure out WTF I need to do to feel as good as I can… Continue reading The Four Pillars of Health
Musical Monday: A Beautiful Day
Happy Monday, Everyone! I don’t know about you, but I feel like there was some rocket fuel in my breakfast. Wowsy. I found myself on the verge of frazzled and then I came across one of my all-time fave U2 songs:A Beautiful Day. And you know what? I realized that it is indeed a beautiful, absolutely… Continue reading Musical Monday: A Beautiful Day
February Fun Facts
Welcome to February! Can you believe that we’re here? Where on earth did January go? Seriously. I’d love to know. How is it possible that this year is starting off at warp speed? Doesn’t it (the speed of the year) begin later? Geesh. I’m baffled by the passage of time right now. Anyhoo, we’re here… Continue reading February Fun Facts
Valentine's Day Love
For Valentine’s Day (as much as Suddenly Seven, the HOTY and I all love sweets), I am always trying to find goodies that say “I love you” sans the sugar buzz. Recently, I came across this sweet (pun intended) Heart Card gift set from Bailey Doesn’t Bark (an adorable website, by the way!). The Heart… Continue reading Valentine's Day Love
Find the Silver Lining
Oh my goodness gracious, do I ever have a fun Silver Lining to share with you. I’ve always been a big fan of Kate Spade. She and her company = total cute adorableness. Today a girlfriend sent me a link to one of the most goosebump inspiring necklaces I’ve ever seen. I just had to share it… Continue reading Find the Silver Lining
Finding Your Own Voice
Last week, I went to the Alt Summit in Salt Lake City. It was such a Silver Lining when I finally made it after my detour to Idaho. Phew! The event was fantabulous. I felt like I was able to put my pinky finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the blog world and boy oh… Continue reading Finding Your Own Voice
A Big (Birth)Day!
Today is a big and wonderful and magical day because Sweetly Six becomes Suddenly Seven. I know that every single parent says this and few (if any) parents believe it when a child is born (I know I didn’t!), but time goes sooooooooo faaaaaast. Stunning, mind boggling and completely utterly excited are the words that… Continue reading A Big (Birth)Day!
Martin Luther King Day
How amazing and inspiring is it that Martin Luther King Day is on the same day as the (2nd!) Inauguration of this (amazing!) country’s first African American President? Regardless of political views, there sure is a Silver Lining happening here, recognizing that Barack Obama could never have been President had it not been for MLK.
13.1 Reasons Why I Love Half Marathons
It occurred to me after my last post that I didn’t describe why I love Half Marathons. Below are my 13.1 (the distance of a Half Marathon) reasons why Half Marathons are such a Silver Lining: