You know that I’m a huge fan of Oscar de la Renta, right? Not only is he extraordinarily (stratospherically!) talented, but he is kind, warm, enthusiastic and generous…an ultimate Silver Lining in the world. Well, I was super excited to see the Architectural Digest profile of his spectacular gardens in the Dominican Republic. Hope you enjoy… Continue reading Garden Dreams
Inspired Living & Celebrating Life
Bookworm: The Radiation Sonnets
The other day, I was going through Sweetly Six’s bookshelves and came across this book, Radiation Sonnets. WTF is THIS doing HERE, I wondered… Well, as with all things, I presumed that I was supposed to see this (book) when I was supposed to see it. I don’t remember buying this book, which means that… Continue reading Bookworm: The Radiation Sonnets
F-Bomb, Meet Merriam
According to the Associated Press, today is the day that the F-bomb is officially making it into the mainstream dictionary. After 114 years in existence, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary will include the F-bomb in its latest edition. I’m pretty excited that after the last two years of f-bombing my way through FBC, that it is an official word… Continue reading F-Bomb, Meet Merriam
Books on Music, The Brain & Emotion
Why is it that some music makes people want to get up and dance while it makes other people want to barf (e.g., Billy Idol’s White Wedding – I’m of the dancing variety when it comes to Billy Idol)? Why is it that some music is seemingly always played at weddings or funerals (e.g., Ave Maria)?… Continue reading Books on Music, The Brain & Emotion
Lately, it feels as if I have been so busy that when I get time to myself, I don’t really know what to do with it…a million and one projects, incomplete tasks, and many other things instantly pop into my brain and then I attempt to choose between them since alone time is usually limited.… Continue reading Stillness
Most Alive
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into… Continue reading Most Alive
Book Lovers Day
August 9th is a Very. Special. Day. Why? Because it’s Book Lovers Day. Oh yes it is! The whole point of the day is to encourage you to find a place in the shade to relax with a good book. How is THAT for a Silver Lining? What are you reading?
Giving: TOMS Shoes
The Load
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into… Continue reading The Load
Summer’s Seersucker Style
Seersucker has always been synonymous with summertime (oh how I do love alliteration)! I adore any kind of seersucker, anytime! Did you know that this Silver Lined fabric comes to us from India? The word “seersucker” originated from the Hindi, Urdu, and Persian words “shir o shakar,” meaning “milk and sugar” because the fabric’s smooth… Continue reading Summer’s Seersucker Style