Saturday Sweeps: EastOver

Happy EastOver Everyone! The HOTY (a/k/a Husband Of The Year, which he still is, by the way!) and I were comparing our holiday calendars this spring and were delighted to see that Passover and Easter are happening on the SAME weekend this year!  What a Silver Lining! I was raised as an Irish Catholic (the… Continue reading Saturday Sweeps: EastOver


After picking lemons from our tree, Sweetly Six made a “lemon heart.” The biggest Silver Linings as a hospice nurse came from my reflective conversations with people as they were nearing the end of their lives. I had some of the most powerful and transformative experiences as people shared their regrets, dreams and hopes. Yes, a dying person… Continue reading Epiphanies

Santa Barbara Magazine!

In the new Santa Barbara magazine, I am honored to have had the opportunity to contribute a Style story (my first!) on Angela Scott and her company, The Office of Angela Scott. Super exciting and a great Silver Lining of the week! Santa Barbara magazine happens to be my favorite magazine. In fact, it was my favorite… Continue reading Santa Barbara Magazine!


Yesterday, I was visiting a friend and she showed me her new bicycle. My jaw dropped. It was quite possibly the chicest bicycle I have ever seen, replete with a wicker basket and – get this – an electric mechanism to help her get up the steep Santa Barbara hills. When I say steep, I… Continue reading Bicycles!

Saturday Sweeps: Gardening

This spring I am promising myself and our daughter, a/k/a Sweetly Six that I am going to turn our two weed infested gardening beds into real, live, functioning gardens. This will certainly take a Silver Lined Herculean effort though. Because this is my first attempt at doing solo gardening, I have given myself permission to grow… Continue reading Saturday Sweeps: Gardening


Recently I had an amazing conversation with one of those really special people in life. You know the person…she is enlightened, progressive, smart-as-get-out and simultaneously cool, calm, collected and centered (Silver Lining). We were talking about the concept of obligation in life. Now that I’m feeling better, I’ve been feeling  obligated to do this or that. Why? Perhaps… Continue reading Action