Saturday Snapshots

I’ve realized that although I have a ridiculous (adverse) sensitivity to chemo, I also have a new and wonderfully heightened sensitivity to sights, smells and sounds (the sense of taste is long gone, a casualty of chemo).

I notice things. I pay attention. I walk slower. I take photographs. These are the Silver Linings of my experience with breast cancer.

Chipper Chicks

Today has been an outstanding, Silver Lined day! Nearly 3 1/2 weeks since my last chemo, it feels as if the dimmer on the light switch was raised and voilà: the lights went on.  That is the best way to describe the SL feeling of coming out of the debilitating (for me) effects of chemo.  … Continue reading Chipper Chicks

Saturday Stroll

Today I took my first walk in nearly two weeks.  I can’t believe I just wrote that.  Holy Moly.  It’s been a rough round. That said, I TOOK A WALK (Silver Lining!)…and am so grateful for it! Because I was so winded, I was passed by three snails in search of lunch. However, this pace… Continue reading Saturday Stroll

Huffington Post

Exciting news (well, at least I think so!): the next Brookside Buzz article is available on the Huffington Post. This week has been featured front and center! Thank you all for your reading Brookside Buzz and The Huffington Post!  I can’t tell you how much it means to me!

Huffington & Hemingway

The fifth Brookside Buzz article is posted on The Huffington Post!  Here is the link (please feel free to forward or post on your Facebook or Twitter page!): Breast Cancer:  Finding the Silver Linings The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong at the broken places. –Ernest Hemingway