Friday's Fixin's: Angel-Hair Squash Noodles in Sun-Dried Tomato Marinara

In the summer, I love nothing more than raw food. There are lots of Silver Linings to eating raw food. Zen Habits (one of my favorite blogs!) contributor Jonathan Mead gives 10 fabulous reasons why they are so wonderful: Live foods. It’s common sense right? A cooked seed won’t grow, but a raw seed will. Heating food over 118… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Angel-Hair Squash Noodles in Sun-Dried Tomato Marinara

Favorite Food Apps

Food is a not only a great fun topic in my life, but also an important one. As you all know by now, I love eating clean, healthy food. I especially love vegan food. The other night we had friends over for dinner and I made three vegan desserts. Two bombed so unbelievably that even… Continue reading Favorite Food Apps

Friday's Fixin's: Let's go Out!

During this festive week, we have been frequenting our favorite Santa Barbara watering holes. Though Santa Barbara isn’t a culinary epicenter, we happen to have quite a few spots that we love, so I thought I’d share them with you (with high hopes that you get to come to Santa Barbara one day!). Renaud’s Patisserie… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Let's go Out!

Friday's Fixin's: Watermelon Passion

Happy Friday, everyone! Phew, what a week it’s been.  My goodness, I can’t believe how quickly time has gone…time for Friday’s Fixin’s again?  Well the Silver Lining is that Friday’s Fixin’s is one of my favorite weekly posts! This week I’m excited to share another one of Chef Maili’s treats. She is so creative. I mean,… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Watermelon Passion