I am a big fan of tuna salad. I could eat it all day as a matter of fact. As I continually endeavor toward cleaner eating post-FBC (F-bomb breast cancer), I am avoiding the mayo-laden tuna salads and eating only sustainable tuna. Speaking of which, I am crazy about the Wild Planet brand because it… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: MaryAnne's Tuna Salad
Beating Cancer with Nutrition
Friday's Fixin's: Yamtastic Smoothie
A new, health-conscious friend (who also happens to have FBC) introduced me to this delish smoothie recipe, called “Yamtastic!” How great is the name? I wanted to try it the minute I heard the name! Not only is it really tasty, but it is so, so good for you (double Silver Lining)! In case you… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Yamtastic Smoothie
Friday's Fixin's: Long-Run Cake
Ohhhhhh, do I have a treat to share with you this week. Yumma! Yumma! Yumma! I found this recipe in Runner’s World magazine (one of my favorite reads while running on the treadmill – highly motivating, right?!?).
Friday's Fixin's: Running Preparation & Recovery Treats
As I prepare for my 1/2 Marathon this Sunday, I am thinking about what I’m going to eat before and after the run. I am a big fan of Brendan Brazier who is a professional triathlete (can you imagine?!?) and a two-time Canadian 50 km Ultra Marathon Champion (that is OVER 100 miles, in case you were wondering!). In addition to his studley athleticism, he is also a vegan. Super cool Silver Lining.
Friday's Fixin's: Toffee Bark
When I jump off the vegan, sugar-free, health conscious train, I jump BIG. I mean really big! And though I pay the price dearly with insomnia and horrendous hot flashes (sugar, wine and caffeine bring on hot flashes in a mean way!) it is worth it.
I jumped big time with this week with Lulu Powers’ Toffee Bark (Chocolate-Caramel Matzoh). Just writing it makes me drool. Yes, it’s THAT great! Hope you enjoy it!
Friday's Fixin's: A Little Marinara Goes a Long Way
Last week, some girlfriends came over to cook a bunch of vegan, gluten free dishes. One of which is an outrageously good marinara sauce. Hope you enjoy!
Oil Organization
this week, I’ve been thinking a lot about the differences between cooking oils. For example, can I sautee with Olive Oil? What is the best type of Olive Oil to buy? When to use Canola oil? WTF is Safflower oil? Which oils are best avoided when cooking? The whole world of oils was so confusing…that is until Rachel Beller, MS, RD clarified it all for me (and now YOU!).
Friday's Fixin's: Roxie's Rockin' Tomato Soup
I love tomatoes. I love the color, taste, fragrance and even shape. This is serious tomato season in Santa Barbara. The Farmer’s Markets are teeming with the most exquisite varietals right now. By the way, prior to moving to Santa Barbara, I had NO IDEA just how many different kinds of tomatoes there are. I… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Roxie's Rockin' Tomato Soup
The Sweetness of Friendship
This morning I woke up to an email from one of my dearest friends. The subject line read: “Joined the C Club.” REALLY? F-bomb. Big time. This diagnosis is in addition to two other friends who have been diagnosed with cancer in the past 6 months. WTF is going on?!? The reality (with which I am… Continue reading The Sweetness of Friendship
GOOP + Friday's Fixin's
Yesterday was an extraordinary, Silver Lined day because the Brookside Buzz received a beautiful shout out from Julia Leach on Gwyneth Paltrow’s (fabulous) blog GOOP. I must say that I am honored and humbled by the response. I’m also super excited and would like to take this opportunity to welcome new readers and to thank… Continue reading GOOP + Friday's Fixin's