Even with putting my stainless steel knife in the freezer before slicing an onion, I still cry like a baby with colic when I cut an onion. My friend Chef Maili Halme told me about Onion Goggles. Yup! How f-bomb brilliant is that?!?! And you know what? They TOTALLY work! How is this for… Continue reading Silver Lining Discovery: Onion Goggles
Beating Cancer with Nutrition
How to Cut an Onion
We love onions. Love love love them. However, I’ve never liked cutting them probably because I have never known how to do it properly – until now. My friends Chef Maili Halme and photographer extraordinaire Elizabeth Messina collaborated to create the perfect “How to cut an onion” series. It’s so great and solved my ever-present dilemma.… Continue reading How to Cut an Onion
Friday Food Facts: Resveratrol
One of the nutritional Silver Lining’s of today’s Hot Grapes ‘N Kale recipe is resveratrol. You’ve heard of it, right? Resveratrol is that key, magical ingredient responsible for the health benefits associated with red wine (by the glass, not gallon!). Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol antioxidant found in a variety of sources including grapes (notably the skin of… Continue reading Friday Food Facts: Resveratrol
Friday's Fixin's is Back with Hot Grapes 'N Kale!
Welcome back to Friday’s Fixin’s! The last couple of weeks have been all-consumed with work and I haven’t been spending time trying new recipes. Suddenly Seven and the HOTY have been very patient with me – thankfully! Well, I have joyously been back in the kitchen with my friend, Chef Maili Halme. Playing with her… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's is Back with Hot Grapes 'N Kale!
Silver Lining Discovery: Whole Spice Sea Salt
One of my absolute favorite products in my kitchen is a collection of Whole Spice sea salts from one of my favorite places in the world, Napa. I received these as a gift and, quite frankly, can’t remember for the life of me what I did before I had them. Oh dear heavens are they… Continue reading Silver Lining Discovery: Whole Spice Sea Salt
Beautiful Blueberries
This week has me all consumed with a big project, which has meant that the Whole Foods prepared food bar has been my refrigerator. But, as Theodore Roosevelt recommended, I’m doing the best that I can with what I have where I am. At least that’s how I rationalize it… Anyhoo, when I work a ton,… Continue reading Beautiful Blueberries
The Magic of Chia Seeds
Since I’ve been traveling this week, I haven’t spent a whole lotta of time in the kitchen, so I thought I’d share some information about one of the Silver Linings in my life: Chia Seeds. Remember Chia Pets, the terracotta figurines introduced in 1977 that grew chia sprouts to resemble fur or hair? Classic, right? Well,… Continue reading The Magic of Chia Seeds
Valentine's Day Delicacies
I’m super excited to tell you about a Valentine’s Day collaboration between two of my favorite Elizabeth’s: Elizabeth Colling (baker extraordinaire and Martha Stewart Food Editor) and Elizabeth Messina (photographer extraordinaire). If you happen to be lucky enough to live in Santa Barbara, this Wednesday, February 13th and Thursday, February 14th, Elizabeth Colling will be hosting… Continue reading Valentine's Day Delicacies
Friday's Fixin's: Best Travel Snacks
This weekend, another travel adventure begins! I’m heading to New York for work (meetings) and play (friends & fashion week). I always equate New York with Silver Linings, so I’m super excited about the trip. It seems like every time I step into an airport, I become famished. Some ridiculous hunger switch turns on and though… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Best Travel Snacks
Friday's Fixin's…Sort of
Today’s Friday’s Fixin’s is a book recommendation. Recommendation is an understatement. Truth be told, I am actually jumping up and down about this book. As many of you may recall, nutritionist extraordinaire Rachel Beller MS, RD pretty much saved my nutritional life during my treatment. When I was in the bottomless pit of chemo despair, it was Rachel who… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's…Sort of