Friday's Fixin's: Beautiful Beets

The farmer’s market is full of beets these days.  I used to think that beets were gross. A couple of years ago, however, I fell in L-O-V-E with them.  Full on love.       Beets are a popular garden vegetable for two reasons – they are fairly easy to grow and just about the… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Beautiful Beets

Friday's Fixin's: Pappardelle's Pasta

At the farmer’s market in Aspen, I came across the most incredible and delicious pasta company called Pappardelle’s. I was immediately drawn to their gluten free varietals.   I know. I know.  Gluten free past and products can be gross and taste like wallpaper paste (though truth be told, I’ve never actually eaten wallpaper paste,… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Pappardelle's Pasta

Friday's Fixin's: Kitchari

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m beginning to get my head around cleaning out, physically (and emotionally!). After the immense amount of toxicity that I’ve had in the 8+ months (& that’s just the treatment…not even counting the breast cancer!), my body is screaming for a cleanse.