Ways to Ask How was school today?

Ways to Ask How was school today? It never fails, when I pick up our daughter (a/k/a Excitedly Eight) from school, I always ask “How was school?” and inevitably the response is, “Fine” or “Good.” Ugh. I really want her to gush about this story or that. But nada. Zippo. After our “lively” exchange, she… Continue reading Ways to Ask How was school today?

Get Kids Moving

Get Kids Moving Despite the fact that the HOTY and I love to exercise, our daughter – the thespian! – isn’t so into it.  Here is how our typical conversations go: Us: Let’s go for a family hike! Suddenly Seven: No thanks. I don’t feel like it. Us: Why not?  C’mon. It’ll be fun! Suddenly… Continue reading Get Kids Moving

(Not!) Making Promises

(Not!) Making Promises In building healthy relationships with our children, I firmly believe that it is important that our words and our actions match. I grew up in environment in which words and actions didn’t match and I remember feeling very (very!) confused. One of my girlfriends (whose parenting skills I admire profusely) doesn’t make… Continue reading (Not!) Making Promises

Helping Children Express Their Feelings

After years spent as a bedside nurse and social worker, my clinical work now consists of co-facilitating support groups for children, including helping children express their feelings when there is a cancer diagnosis in a family. Many of you already know my philosophy about including children from the time of a cancer diagnosis: children deserve… Continue reading Helping Children Express Their Feelings

Parenting Manifesto by Brene Brown

In thinking about today’s earlier post about encouraging children to express their emotions, I am reminded of the great Parenting Manifesto by Brene Brown. Have you seen it? If not, I would encourage you to take a look and be inspired. It is a major Silver Lining! Speaking of Silver Linings, Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly is a MUST read. It will… Continue reading Parenting Manifesto by Brene Brown

Children's Series: 5 to 7 Year Shift

One of the most poignant things that I learned during my graduate work earning a masters degree in early childhood development was that when children prepare to move to the next stage of development, they have periods – often intense – of regression. Our daughter, a/k/a Suddenly Seven has had a slight (ok, not so… Continue reading Children's Series: 5 to 7 Year Shift

Children's Series: Approach-Approach Conflict

Have you ever been in a situation in which you can’t decide between two desirable (or even really awesome) things? For example: chocolate or vanilla? Or decisions of a more impactful nature such as: do I take an incredible job (one I’ve always wanted) or stay home to raise my child full time (what I’ve… Continue reading Children's Series: Approach-Approach Conflict

Talking with Children about Tragedy

With the tragic, unthinkable, and unbearable mass shooting in Connecticut on Friday, the world is reeling. This massacre didn’t just happen in Sandy Hook. It happened everywhere because Sandy Hook Elementary is every school. One of the (many!) sequelae is how to help children through this trauma. The fact that we even have to help children through something… Continue reading Talking with Children about Tragedy