1st Cancerversary

As you may recall, last weekend was the one year anniversary of my FBC diagnosis. I will now also always remember the weekend for running a 1/2 Marathon exactly one year later.

Running the 1/2 Marathon on Sunday was truly one of the great experiences of my life (Silver Lining). It was so powerful because it symbolized the end of illness and the rebirth of my health.

Friday's Fixin's: Running Preparation & Recovery Treats

As I prepare for my 1/2 Marathon this Sunday, I am thinking about what I’m going to eat before and after the run. I am a big fan of Brendan Brazier who is a professional triathlete (can you imagine?!?) and a two-time Canadian 50 km Ultra Marathon Champion (that is OVER 100 miles, in case you were wondering!). In addition to his studley athleticism, he is also a vegan. Super cool Silver Lining.

Friday's Fixin's: Toffee Bark

When I jump off the vegan, sugar-free, health conscious train, I jump BIG. I mean really big! And though I pay the price dearly with insomnia and horrendous hot flashes (sugar, wine and caffeine bring on hot flashes in a mean way!) it is worth it.

I jumped big time with this week with Lulu Powers’ Toffee Bark (Chocolate-Caramel Matzoh). Just writing it makes me drool. Yes, it’s THAT great! Hope you enjoy it!

Proactive Prevention

Last week, I had the great opportunity to hear a talk given by Dr. Marisa Weiss, a breast cancer oncologist and president and founder of Breastcancer.org, the #1 online breast health and breast cancer resource. In addition to being a breast cancer oncologist and philanthropist, last year, she herself was diagnosed with breast cancer.  WTF,… Continue reading Proactive Prevention

October Embrace

Welcome to October!  This has always been my favorite month of the year because it seems to signify the real change in season (September still feels like summer to me). I love the change in seasons. Yes, we do have a fall season in Southern California.  It’s just a little more subtle than my experience… Continue reading October Embrace