Guest Curator on

I’m super honored to have been asked to be a guest curator on Kirtsy! In case you are unfamiliar with it, I’m very excited to introduce you to the site!  Kirtsy is just like that friend who always finds the best stuff. Only better. How’s that for a Silver Lining? Four years ago, three friends started… Continue reading Guest Curator on

Hacienda de San Antonio

Last week I had yet another  Silver Lined adventure orchestrated by the ever-amazing Indagare. Holy Moly. What an amazing company Indagare is! Their tag line is: “The next generation of travel wisdom.” Oh how that describes the company perfectly! The week was a health and wellness jump-start at the Hacienda de San Antonio. I told you a… Continue reading Hacienda de San Antonio

100 Things – Julien Smith

This week, I came across an oh so fabulous piece on the blog titled 100 Tips about Life, People, and Happiness by Julien Smith. Wow, did it ever rock my world. Yes, I tend to prefer philosophical tidbits in small bites; however, this was so wonderfully impressive that I felt the need to share it. Hope you enjoy… Continue reading 100 Things – Julien Smith

Life's Lovely Lessons, Part Trois

Here are some more of the Silver Lined lessons that I’ve learned in the past year courtesy of FBC. The perspective that I’ve gained has been sweet, though bittersweetly obtained. I’m so grateful for every and every one of these lessons! Here are links to the previous lists of lessons. Why not list them all at… Continue reading Life's Lovely Lessons, Part Trois

Caring for Children Throughout the Cancer Trajectory

For some unknown and yucky reason, this has been an extraordinarily difficult period for friends of mine who are facing the death of very young women (sisters, mothers and grandmothers) in their lives.  There really are no words to describe the sadness of death period, but especially so early in life. It’s just one big,… Continue reading Caring for Children Throughout the Cancer Trajectory

The Race is Over by Daniel Nahmod

A dear friend wrote to me today and said, “You MUST listen to this song!” She doesn’t do this very often, so when she does, I listen! Wowsy-Bowsy. Am I ever glad I did (Silver Lining). This song struck an incredible chord (pun intended) with me.  I actually haven’t listened to it…yet. Reading it is in… Continue reading The Race is Over by Daniel Nahmod