Sunday Snapshots: Hiking in Montecito

Surgery is scheduled at 7:00 am on Tuesday to exchange my expanders for implants. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’m a nervous-Nelly about it. Intellectually, I know that it will be fine. That it will be so much easier than the last (horrendous!) experience. However, I contend with what I believe… Continue reading Sunday Snapshots: Hiking in Montecito

Finding Your Calling and Discovering Your Vocation

Since my FBC (F-bomb breast cancer) diagnosis, when circumstances have been especially difficult for me, I have tried to put things into perspective by reflecting on my work in pediatric hospice. People often ask, “How could you work with dying children?”  I don’t honestly know. It’s certainly not as if I woke up one day and… Continue reading Finding Your Calling and Discovering Your Vocation

Fashion SL's: Black and White with a side of Buzz

Having breast cancer does not mean losing one’s sense of style! Wearing scarves everyday has really made me think about what I wear. Time and time again, I go back to wearing black and white because it is a blank canvas on which to layer colors and fun accessories.