Prescription Painkiller Overdose: a Center for Disease Control Report

In the last week, there has been a tremendous amount of yucky news about overdoses.  Just this weekend, we heard the tragic report about the death of precious Cory Monteith, who played the beloved Finn on the show Glee (one of my absolute favorite programs!). Additionally, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported on the… Continue reading Prescription Painkiller Overdose: a Center for Disease Control Report

Dr. Google

Upon my dear friend’s diagnosis of a very rare form of cancer my first reaction wasn’t, “Oh no!” or even an f-bomb. The first thing that I remember saying to her is, “Don’t Google.”  (Well, actually, I probably dropped an f-bomb in there somewhere!) Now I am a stealth, rock star Googler. I love Google.… Continue reading Dr. Google