Today, I thought I would make my one and only descent down Aspen Mountain – by foot. Why by foot, you ask? Why not by skis (like every other adventure-loving, athletic person), you ask? Well, for me, skiing is akin to suicidal ideation. I’m NOT a skier. No way. No how. In fact,… Continue reading Aspen Slip and Slide
Chemo Sobby
Decisions, Decisions
I find myself at a real crossroads right now with big decisions to make about chemo and radiation for my breast cancer, e.g., To do. Not to do. If doing, how much?
Rather than make my FBC sitation subjective (as Chemo Sobby is want to do), I need to be fully objective (by asking the right questions) as I actively take the next steps in creating my plan of care.
What is Enough Cancer Treatment?
Today was the day that I wondered: How much chemo for this breast cancer is enough? At what point does the toxicity cease to be effective and start to cause pejorative long-term ramifications? When does the body get to have a say in the treatment plan? These are the questions I hope to answer. Soon.
Chemo Sobby It’s been a rough, rough week. Chemo last Tuesday knocked me down – HARD. F-bomb. FBC. The cumulative effect of three doses of TAC chemotherapy is really taking its toll…everywhere (body AND mind). As a matter of (pathetic) fact, I have been quite the “chemo-sobby” girl, i.e., I cry at the drop of a… Continue reading Chemo-Sobby