Brookside Beauty: Circ-Cell

Breast cancer and chemotherapy wreak havoc on a person’s skin and I am (of course) no exception. However, I have found a skin care Silver Lining in Melanie Simon, a licensed esthetician and owner of A Beautiful You in Santa Barbara. Her goal is to provide effective, multi-purpose, cutting-edge skincare products that are free of harmful elements.

Complementary Therapies During Chemotherapy

Complementary Therapies During Chemotherapy Two days out from round two of intravenous TAC (Taxotere, Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide) Chemotherapy. And I have a cold.  OY. I sure could use just a little break.  Even a teeny tiny one.  I know that Silver Linings are lurking.  Come on out, wherever you are! Oh, here’s one:  I’m officially 1/3… Continue reading Complementary Therapies During Chemotherapy

A Very (Un)Hairy Situation: Losing Hair After Chemo

Losing Hair After Chemo Because I seem to be the poster child for chemo side effects (i.e., ALL of them), it didn’t come as a complete shock to me that hair loss was next on the list. The second (or maybe the third or fourth) shoe has dropped… For the past 3+ years, I have… Continue reading A Very (Un)Hairy Situation: Losing Hair After Chemo

Mouth Mishegoss

Next up:  Mucositis, a/k/a Mouth F-bomb Sores. I’m not kidding.  I wish I were, but I’m not.  Three months ago, even if I had tried really, really hard, I couldn’t have made up all of this S**T (pun intended and unintended). In case you are unfamiliar (why on earth WOULD you be familiar?), let me… Continue reading Mouth Mishegoss

Brookside Scheduling and Testing

Many people have asked questions about the timing of my chemo schedule and testing (thanks for caring and being interested!). So, I thought I’d lay it out for you to show you exactly what the plan is. May I diverge for a minute? Speaking of schedules (and schedule-keeping), I have to confess that the last… Continue reading Brookside Scheduling and Testing

Chemotherapy 1st Cycle, Almost

This morning, I was the first patient this morning at the Santa Barbara Cancer Center. Bright and early. I was nervous, really, really nervous. At the reception desk, I was given a pink questionnaire (at least it’s my favorite color!) asking me about any symptoms I am currently experiencing. Apparently I will have to do this… Continue reading Chemotherapy 1st Cycle, Almost

Pre-Chemotherapy Testing

Chemotherapy begins on Monday, the 27th.  3 days. FFS (For F**k’s Sake). I’m feeling a little anxious.  Scared, I’m not.  I’m anxious about how my physical body is going to react to the medications. There are several things that I have done this week to prepare for my first dose of chemotherapy: #1. The first… Continue reading Pre-Chemotherapy Testing

Discussing Chemotherapy with Children

Once you move past the point of telling children about FBC, it is important to tell them that you are always available to talk about it with them: anytime, anywhere.  A general rule of thumb is to let children initiate conversations; however a little prodding doesn’t hurt. For example, you could ask:  “Have you been… Continue reading Discussing Chemotherapy with Children