Gift Guide for Thoughtful and FREE Gifts

My inbox seems to be FULL of Gift Guides.  I used to really enjoy them, but to be honest, now they are driving me bananas.  So many of them feel so commercial and disingenuous. I really don’t mean to sound like a grinch, but you all know by now that I’m not one to shy… Continue reading Gift Guide for Thoughtful and FREE Gifts

Saturday Snapshots: A Holiday Weekend

What a glorious, Silver Lined weekend it is!  Hanukkah and Christmas cheer abound in Santa Barbara. Wishing you and yours a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Joyous (& Healthy!) New Year! We went to a beautiful holiday party where Finally Five insisted on singing Christmas Carols (solo!). Everything about her performance, from hitting the notes… Continue reading Saturday Snapshots: A Holiday Weekend