Truth is Ageless

Unfortunately, challenging life circumstances abound (e.g., illness, divorce). No one is left untouched. The Silver Lining, though, is that there are tools…ways to communicate with and include children so that it is possible to not only survive, but sometimes even thrive!

Bambino Red Gate Adventure

This weekend, the HOTY (a/k/a Husband of the Year) and our daughter Finally Five came for a visit.  I was out of my mind excited to see them! Joy of joys.     The thing that Finally Five was most excited about was not the salt water taffy in Sausilito (though that did get some… Continue reading Bambino Red Gate Adventure

Friday's Fixin's: Stupendous Snacks

Since my breast cancer diagnosis (and especially in the bottomless pit of chemo despair), I have found that I am so much more focused on what I put into my body.

While I was a healthy eater prior to this FBC nonsense, I do admit to having some unhealthy proclivities, e.g., skipping the occasional meal…or having one “big” meal/day….or not getting enough fiber and a few other unmentionables. I am learning though…which is a Silver Lining!

Bambino Adventure: Alisal Ranch

Our daughter (a/k/a Finally Five) has not been herself lately, in all likelihood a combination of being fed up with my breast cancer (aren’t we all?) and being on the verge of a big developmental shift. I decided that now was as good a time as any to make a withdrawal from my Energy Bank and go on an overnight Mommy trip to the Alisal Ranch in Solvang, California. After a glorious day, I reflected on the quantity and quality of Silver Linings in my life.

Saturday Snapshots

I’ve realized that although I have a ridiculous (adverse) sensitivity to chemo, I also have a new and wonderfully heightened sensitivity to sights, smells and sounds (the sense of taste is long gone, a casualty of chemo).

I notice things. I pay attention. I walk slower. I take photographs. These are the Silver Linings of my experience with breast cancer.