The New Girls in Town

For 3 days after my surgery, my new “breasts” (it still feels weird to call them that because they aren’t real breasts, so from here on out I’ll refer to them as “The Girls”) were wrapped up like mummies. Friday was the big “unveiling.” For the past year, our daughter, a/k/a Sweetly Six has been asking… Continue reading The New Girls in Town

The HOTY's Birthday!

Today is the HOTY’s birthday!  YIPPPEEEE! If you happen to see him or talk with him, please give him lots of Birthday Love. He is the dearest, most wonderfully loving, compassionate and wise person I’ve ever known. To be his wife is my greatest Silver Lining in the world. Photograph by Elizabeth Messina


Valentine’s Day is coming up. Yippeee! For years, it has been one of our favorite holidays. How great is it that after 10+ years of marriage, we are still crazy about each other (Silver Lining!)?  Not a single day goes by that I don’t recognize how fortunate I am to be married to the HOTY… Continue reading Chocolate!

Afternoon Matinee with the Iron Lady and St. Francis of Assisi

Yesterday, the HOTY (a/k/a Husband of the Year to new readers) and I were completely decadent: we went to an afternoon matinee to see The Iron Lady.  Wowsy bowsy. It is one of those films that had me thinking about it well into today, so much so, in fact, that I’m writing about it here.… Continue reading Afternoon Matinee with the Iron Lady and St. Francis of Assisi

Disney World Silver Linings

The HOTY, Finally Five and I have just returned from a trip Disney World. It was my first time there (yes, I’m 41). I made plenty of assumptions before going (about lines, etc., etc., etc.), but, those conjectures were cast aside the moment that I arrived. If ever there were a place for Silver Linings, it’s Disney… Continue reading Disney World Silver Linings