Chipper Chicks

Today has been an outstanding, Silver Lined day! Nearly 3 1/2 weeks since my last chemo, it feels as if the dimmer on the light switch was raised and voilà: the lights went on.  That is the best way to describe the SL feeling of coming out of the debilitating (for me) effects of chemo.  … Continue reading Chipper Chicks

Saturday Stroll

Today I took my first walk in nearly two weeks.  I can’t believe I just wrote that.  Holy Moly.  It’s been a rough round. That said, I TOOK A WALK (Silver Lining!)…and am so grateful for it! Because I was so winded, I was passed by three snails in search of lunch. However, this pace… Continue reading Saturday Stroll

Sinister Sinusitis with a Side of Prunes

It was a very long, sleepless sore-throat-filled night of coughing and flipping back and forth (to get the mucus to move from one side of my sinus’ to the other – Ewwwwwww. Trust me, I know). I rose (well, actually I just opened my eyes) this morning feeling rotten – again.  Clearly, this sinusitis was… Continue reading Sinister Sinusitis with a Side of Prunes