Morning Market Magic

Our family had a magical morning at the (farmer’s) market. Outside. In January. How’s that for a HUGE Silver Lining (SL)? It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been (I’ve been a tad busy).  I was sublimely delighted to see the winter rainbow of colors. I’ve always loved going to the Farmer’s Market.  When I… Continue reading Morning Market Magic

Mouth Mishegoss

Next up:  Mucositis, a/k/a Mouth F-bomb Sores. I’m not kidding.  I wish I were, but I’m not.  Three months ago, even if I had tried really, really hard, I couldn’t have made up all of this S**T (pun intended and unintended). In case you are unfamiliar (why on earth WOULD you be familiar?), let me… Continue reading Mouth Mishegoss

Globe-Trotting FBC

This time yesterday, I was running (actually more like crawling) around the neighborhoods of Los Angeles looking for bathrooms, lavatories, powder rooms, restrooms, toilets, salle de bains, washrooms, and water closets.  My only requirement:  a solid flush. I was NOT picky. Last night, I spent the entire night on the floor of the hotel bathroom….did I mention that time and location… Continue reading Globe-Trotting FBC

Brookside Horizons

George Eliot

As I am preparing for a new decade, I am filled with hope and inspiration.  I feel like extraordinary professional and personal experiences (post-FBC) are on the horizon. Several SL’s that FBC has given me include: Quietness Vulnerability Openness Creativity Patience Vision I believe that each of these SL’s will generously give me the opportunity to… Continue reading Brookside Horizons

Silver Lining Booby Report

F-Bomb. One of the many challenges of navigating the healthcare world is that there are a trillion, no, make that a gazillion of decisions to make, informed by millions of people with trillions of opinions. So much, coming from so many directions is really, really tough to manage, both mentally and emotionally. Medicine often equal… Continue reading Silver Lining Booby Report

Brookside Dreams of Bergdorf Goodman

Is there anything better than Bergdorf Goodman, in general, but especially their Holiday Windows? Well, yes, I’m sure that I could come up with plenty of far more altruistic and philanthropic things that are “better” than the Holiday Windows at BG. Perhaps “magical” is a better word.  To me, there is absolutely nothing more magical… Continue reading Brookside Dreams of Bergdorf Goodman