One Last Time

I usually like going back to familiar places, restaurants, hotels etc. Something about the comfort of knowing your way around, etc. So when we walked into the hospital this morning we knew our way around from the last time in Nov. 2010. Not a place you wish to be familiar with. The Silver Lining is that we also knew our way out!

So after 2 & 1/2 hours of surgery and some recovery time, out the door into the sunshine we went and back to the hotel for sleep and oatmeal and pain meds. Hopefully now after the clean PET scan that  Hollye received yesterday and today’s finishing surgery, we can get the FBC mess behind us once and for all!

Many thanks to all of you ,old friends new friends and family for all your good thoughts, wishes and prayers. Over and out, HOTY 🙂



  1. So happy everything went well. The prayers and happy energy from all Hollye's readers make all the difference in the world.

  2. So thrilled at the news! Clear scan! Prayers continuing for an uneventful and quick recovery. I am thankful she has had such support near and far, from friends known and friends found. AND especially from her HOTY (thank you).
    From a found friend and sister nurse

    1. Thank you so much for your note, Suzanne. I am thankful for all of the support as well, from friends known and friends found (beautifully said!). Thank you again, Suzanne!

  3. What a journey for you both, your daughter and your friends. Thank you for sharing your experiences and allowing strangers into your very personal world. Although I am not a BC survivor, I know your candor has helped thousands of women and their families.

    Life is grand….best wishes in the very healthy years to come.

  4. Sending healing thoughts. You, HOTY, are such a great man, this we know, even though some us might not know you directly. Thanks for taking such deep care of your family! Diane

    Hollye, Hope you're comfortable and WHEW, girl, final stretch of a marathon!

  5. Dear Hollye, I hope you come through this last time beautifully. I will be going to see my surgeon next Thurs. We will be talking about my next time in. My expanders will be exchanged for implants. Hopefully he will be able to adjust them properly. Right now my husband and I are laughing about my cock-eyed boob stand-ins(expanders). The left side (cancer side) is way higher than the right side (non-cancer side). At first I didn't notice. Now it is obvious.
    Any how, happy recovery. Enjoy your HOTY, he sounds as nice as mine. And your little girl. Take care.

    1. Thanks for note, Patti. So glad you can find the humor! It makes the whole process bearable. Please stay in touch and let me know how everything goes. So glad you have a HOTY!

  6. Oh Hollye…I trust that you are recovering. What a long, strange, arduous trip it has been for you. Sure hope to see you when I next visit my Angel Anne. I have never forgotten sitting by the pool with you and Anne on a perfect sunshiney day and sharing conversation about many things…probably most of them books for your daughter!! Stay well and know that I think about you in my prayers.

  7. all love and best wishes to you hollye as you complete your cycle of healing. thanks for taking us
    with you on this journey. our lives are all the more wiser and richer.

  8. JJ-
    Thanks for taking the time to update us on the situation. Please give Hol a ton of hugs and kisses from all of us. I know her recovery will be a speedy one!!!!! Take care and have a Happy Birthday!
    Jody and the boys

  9. I loved the story you posted about the Indian and the two wolves. I have been estranged from my brother for almost six years. I sent him that story and at the end I said "I am tired of feeding the wolf – how about you"…..he wrote back that he thought the old Indian was probably right and it was time to bury the hatchet. He called me, we spoke for an hour and it felt so good – it's a start. AND, by the way, when are you going to send me that packing list – you promised, you know!! (big grin). My sister-in-law Jane was diag. w/ breast cancer six yrs. ago and now just recently Debbie, the other sister-in-law (Jane's sister) has the same diag. She has 4 more chemo treatments to go and is doing quite well. Take care, Patricia~

  10. So happy for both all of you that things went well. Getiing the whole FBC mess behind you is MAJOR mile stone. Now we pray it stays behind you forever and ever Amen.


  11. Night , Night , Lovely Girl ! Happy movie time and let us know how we may entertain Sweetly Six ! Blessings always your way – A.

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