CBS This Morning

CBS | The Silver Pen

CBS This Morning

Tuesday was a Silver Lining day of astronomical proportions. Why? Well, because I had the great and amazing honor to be a guest on the CBS This Morning program. Uh Huh. I could never in my right mind have imagined such an opportunity. As October is breast cancer awareness month, I was invited to share the story of The Silver Pen with – well – the world! My oh my oh my!

Now, truth be told, this was my FIRST live television interview. And…It was my first national interview. Yup. Oh dear heavens to Betsy, was I ever nervous. I mean, really. Did I mention that this was a “national” appearance? Uh huh. Well, I think that it was meant to be because the staff was A-MA-ZING…to begin with, I was picked up at 7:15 right on the dot. As I arrived at CBS, I was met by the nicest young man who said, “Hollye Jacobs? Welcome to CBS!” What a greeting!  THEN, I had the opportunity to meet the most incredibly warm and welcoming and professional and relaxed staff. Everywhere I turned it was, “Welcome to CBS” and “We’re so glad you are here!” and “Thank you so much for coming.” I seriously felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. Well, I was, actually.

And THEN I had the opportunity to talk with Gayle King, Nora O’Donnell and Charlie Rose. I can’t begin to tell you how NICE they are. Truly. I felt like I was actually being welcomed into their living room to have a talk….a substantive, funny, real and accessible talk…with new/old friends which was A.MA.ZING.

After the show ended, I realized that through my writing, speaking and clinical work, I now find myself in a very unique position to be able to give back in ways that I could never – ever! – have imagined. This has been an unexpected and truly wonderful Silver Lining of my breast cancer experience. Is there anything better in the world than being able to give back? I don’t think so!

One of the (many!) things that I neglected to mention on the air was my relationship with Elizabeth Messina, my dear friend who is my co-author of The Silver Lining. As a gesture of friendship, she photographed me throughout my cancer experience and is responsible for all of the images shown throughout the clip and book and thankfully, CBS gives her the credit!

In case you’re interested, below is the clip from my time on CBS This Morning. Thank you – as always – for all of your love and support!

And, yet again, here is the book:

The Silver Lining COVER

Pre-orders available here:


  1. Wow, wow, WOW Hollye! This is fabulous. You are a natural in front of the camera. Congrats on another great interview.

  2. Hollye,
    I've just started reading your blog in the past couple of weeks. My company is affiliated with Susan G. Komen, so I'm interested in learning more about people that have been touched (or knocked over!) by breast cancer and their experiences. Your interview yesterday was wonderful — congratulations! Its hard to believe it was your first. You have a gift of communicating your story and experiences in a really positive way — your smile is the exclamation point at the end of what you do. I'll continue to follow and learn! Thank you for your efforts and good luck on the book launch!

  3. Hollye, that was amazing! You were fantastic and I can't even imagine how excited and nervous you must have been. I think you did an absolutely wonderful job. To be at the same table with Charlie Rose! I hope this will be the first of many interviews and that your book sales go through the roof. For your next interview I think you should wear your Marie Antoinette shoes.


  4. Hi Hollye
    I want to be you when I grow up!!!! ( By the way, I've got about 15 yrs on you — so you can teach an old dog new tricks). You are an inspiration to those of us beginning the trials. As I try to adopt your often humorous and positive perspective, I find it helps me to push away the fear of chemo/side effects. The self directed humor also helps others who do not what to say or do. Your interview was wonderful!! Can't wait for the book. Maureen

    1. Oh thank you so very much, Maureen! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! Thank you so much for being a part of The Silver Pen community!

  5. Wonderful interview!! You are indeed glowing! Here's my question-how can I get an autographed copy of your book? I have been spreading the word of your site to many people that are looking for such an approach to learning how to live the "cancer walk". Look forward to hearing how to obtain your book! Always, Carolyn

    1. Hi Carolyn!
      Thank you so much for your note. I really appreciate it.
      The book will be coming out March 18, 2014. If you pre-order a book today, I will guarantee you a signed copy. For sure.
      Thank you so very much!

  6. My goodness…you are beautiful….I enjoy your blog and read it often. I have sent Silver Linings to many of my friends. Who could have your own show someday! A real natural!

  7. As Lori said…. you were glowing! Congratulations, Hollye! You're a natural! I'm so happy you've been recognized for all your effort day in and day out with us all on the Silver Pen. Well done!

  8. So exciting to see your book come to fruition. Loved the CBS interview. You look radiant!. I want my copy autographed!! Best, Wendy

  9. Awesome job on your interview with CBS this morning! You are a natural! I have been reading your blog since I was diagnosed two years ago, and it has helped me immensely on my journey as well. I too am an RN with a background to rely on in this experience and you have been such a positive inspiration when the days were long and trying. Can't wait to read your book! I am trying hard to pickup the pieces and move on now that some time has passed. Thank you again and congrats again on a wonderful interview 🙂 Kerry Rose

    1. Thank you so much for your note, Kerry. Please be patient and kind with yourself as you move forward….recovery and developing a life after cancer takes a long, long, long time!

      1. Thanks Hollye:) you are amazing and so positive …how can I get a signed copy of your book? Great job again on your interview- you are a doll!

          1. I just pre-ordered your book thru B&N. Cant wait to read it!!! Thanks for being you 🙂

  10. Hollye, you were amazing….confident, glowing, warm, I could go on and on.
    For those of us reading your blog from inception, the book and this interview was a confirmation of what we knew was coming!
    You are an inspiration….and I better get a signed copy too!

  11. Way to go Hollye!!
    I just watched your clip…you are an inspiration to all. Seriously, you just couldn't be cuter!!
    You are a treasure!!

  12. Congratulations, Hollye! This will give your wonderful site even more exposure to women (like myself) who needed it during their own breast cancer journey. Can't wait to see the book!

  13. I just watched your video interview and you are a natural! You appeared poised, confident, knowledgeable, and vibrant! (If you were nervous it did not show.)

    I think you will gain more readers of the Silver Pen and more sales of your book from this interview. It was nice that they showed on the screen an overlay of some pictures from the blog, and the various topics you cover. Well done, dear one.

  14. Holly, What a magnificent interview! I agree with Frances above – You were a pleasure to watch and listen to! I am so glad you shared it. You will be an encouragement to many more, I am sure, through your book. I am looking forward to purchasing it for myself and a friend. All the best to you!

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