The Most Important People

This question, “Who are the most important people in your life?” is a challenging one for me because as much as I want to say, “My friends” and “My family” I am encouraging myself to narrow it down from a general response to a specific one. This is helping me cultivate an immense amount of gratitute for the people who are most important in my life…which is a great and special Silver Lining today. I hope that it is the same for you!

Thank you again and again and again for sharing  your responses to these weekly questions. I am giddy to hear from you!


  1. when you have an identical twin (like I do) – you never think twice and thank God everyday for the miracle of your soulmate being in life with you every second. even though we live thousands of miles apart – we couldn't be closer or more connected.

  2. My parents and grandparents, they instilled faith, love and courage in me from the cradle. My friends Stephanie and Connie, they are true, no artifice whatsoever. My godmothers, all they need is wings and fairy dust, they really make wishes come true!

  3. Sounds terrible but it is me. As long as I treated everyone else as more important than myself, my life was not as good as it is now. Naturally there are important people in my life, friends and family who I truly love.

  4. The people in my life that I am most grateful for are my husband, my daughter, my only brother, and a good friend. These are the folks who are most important to me in my present life. I know I can count on them to be there for me through the best and the worst of times.

  5. I think I put my comment in the wrong place so I'm posting again. The most important person in my life is my husband. This year will be 25 years of us being toghether and we've made it through some really tough times over the years, including the loss of our youngest son and the loss of one of our grandchildren. He means the world to me, I pray every day that the good Lord will see fit for us to share at least 25 more years.

    1. Dear Laurie,
      What a beautiful, beautiful note. Your husband sounds like an amazing person. I wish you 25 more years of peace, joy and health.
      Thank you for sharing!

  6. My husband will always be my closest friend. I may confide in others, but I've found my husband to be the best source of support for me. Others will let you down when you confide in them. My husband strives to make and keep me happy and protected. I think he's a keeper.

    1. How wonderful, Wanda. Absolutely wonderful! You know, so many people boo-hoo marriage and focus on divorce rates. I think that Marriage is one of the great Silver Linings in life! I'm so happy that you are married to such a wonderful person.

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