Dream Vacations

It’s already the middle of summer. Can you believe it?  Have you had a vacation yet in 2012?

Vacations are, I believe, as important as work. So many people say, “I don’t have time for a vacation.” I always feel bad when people say this. I think, really?  Why – the f-bomb – not?

I happen to be a big fan of vacations. They are great for a whole lot of reasons.  They:

  1. Cultivate creative inspiration
  2. Promote flexible and imaginative thinking
  3. Give perspective on everyday life
  4. Improve your mental health
  5. Stave off burnout
  6. Refresh body and spirit
  7. Promote overall wellbeing
  8. Strengthen relationships
  9. Expand cultural horizons
  10. Relieve stress

A vacation doesn’t have to be three weeks on a beach with a cabana boy delivering fancy schmancy drinks all day long…though go ahead and take a minute and think about how lovely that would actually be. Sometimes I take a day-long vacation (e.g., Pajama Day!) that is just as relaxing (especially if the HOTY is my cabana boy!).

Recently, Vanity Fair did a pretty drool inducing story on summer vacations…as in the aspirational dreamy variety. Ahhhh….








  1. ABSOLUTELY! Recently took my first real vacation in over two and a half years. It was lovely. Totally disconnected (well, did check emails once or twice). Having lunch with friends, very relaxed, I thought "Okay, have GOT to do this more often!" Put a new perspective on life. Taking a week off for the holidays and also, this year, Thanksgiving weekend WILL be taken in its entirety, no sneaking to the office to work on anything. We will put up the tree, decorate, nosh and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Life is too short, carpe diem! Beautiful photos from Vanity Fair, just beautiful!

  2. ugh, you are so right, Hollye. Unfortunately, all of my vacation for the last two years was required to be used for my surgery recoveries (a great vacation, huh?). So I haven't been on a vacation longer than a weekend since 2008. And lately I'm really feeling the effects of it- cranky, tired, burned out. Vacation is important! I wish ALL employers realized this!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Amy. I also wish that all employers realized that treatment is NOT a vacation. I took many "armchair vacations" while I was sick…and dreamed of places like the ones in the VF article. Pajama Day (or sometimes Pajama Hours!) seem to be a help when I am not able to travel as well. Thanks again for your note. Hope you are staying cool this summer!

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