Magnificent Morning

Today was a beautiful, magnificent morning.  4 3/4, Buzz and I went outside for our morning walk- a little on the early side. I really could have used an extra hour of the deep sleep that I was in when she came scuffing into our bedroom….

However, if I had had that extra hour, we never would have seen the magnificent sky!  What a Silver Lining way to start the day!

Pink! Pink! Pink!
The sun is rising...slowly...beautifully.
Even though I was a little slow to snap (because I was watching), seeing the bird against the pink sky was so beautiful.
The roses are smiling.

Today, I am going for more intravenous fluids (in an effort to curb the incessant nausea).  Actually, I’m getting fluids every single day this week (earning me frequent flyer points at the clinic. Think I could trade them in for airline seats?  Wishful thinking…)

I’m also doing acupuncture three times this week. It’s definitely a full court press to get rid of these narley side effects.

This morning, I can honestly say that I think that the efforts are beginning to work.  I am an eensy-teensy bit less nauseous (SL).

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.

– Bern Williams


  1. Shea and I were up to watch the sunrise this morning too!!! Wasn't it gorgeous? His bedroom faces out to a glorious view of the sun peaking up over the trees. I'm so happy you're adding as many arrows to the quiver as possible in the quest to calm the tummy. Nausea is the WORST:( Hope the acupuncture works. xoxo

  2. hollye-

    you are a constant inspiration to me. it is wonderful that you find the beauty in every day life that so many of us take for granted. i hope you are feeling better soon and that the terrible side effects of your treatment will subside. you are an amazing woman and our prayers are with you.

  3. Hollye,
    I have been reading your blog since you started as Sue's asst Jessi mentioned what you were going thru.I don't read blogs, am not at all tech friendly, so I don't do much on the computer at all. I have to say it has been touching and inspiring.
    Since I tend to be very busy and hectic at work, at then end of most days I give myself a treat ( reading your blog ) before I head off to the gym.
    The thing I appreciate the most is it makes me feel, think and reflect on my day. so you could say you are a silver lining!
    I truly appreicate your honesty. You have made me aware of quotes, have never really noticed them before. I find them so interesting and again they put me in touch with myself, and I usually feel something,sad, happy, and many others (another silver lining)
    So here is one I found that reminded me of you.

    Family Rules

    In this house…
    we do second chances.
    we do grace.
    we do real.
    we do mistakes.
    we do I'm sorrys.
    we do loud really well.
    we do hugs.
    we do family.
    we do love.

    I think of you often and wish you some relief!!

    love, Rosie

    p.s. I also have many white blouses, I constantly buy them even if my intention is to buy something like a bathing suit, how I end up with another white blouse I will never know.

  4. Dear Hollye,
    I shared your sunrise. We really do have the best sunrise and sunsets in SB in the winter [but with our 75 degree days who would know that it is winter?]
    It is so wonderful that you can share with your family and friends. You are magnificent to be able to express all that you are going through. I am praying for you daily as well as for your daughter and husband. You seem like a strong team and this will help guide you and give you strength during these days of testing for you all. Please, if there is anything that I might be able to help you with do not hessitate to ask.
    With love, Jill Nida

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