Ready to Run…a Half Marathon!

In terms of the Physical aspects of my New Year’s Intentions, I decided that I needed an athletic goal, one that would challenge me, but (hopefully!) not injure me. So my first thought was to run (another) Half Marathon, which equates to 13.1 miles.

The last one that I ran was on the 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis date. Boy oh boy, THAT was an amazing day. One that left me blubbering…in the best possible way. So, I figured that now would be good timing to run another one.

Below is my training schedule (that began on Saturday). Though I have run several Half Marathons, this is a beginner schedule, which is still the one that I prefer to use. Why? Because I want this to be FUN and I don’t want to injure myself.

Broken down this way, it really is feasible. Seriously. I’m not one of those superhuman workout horses. No, no, no, no. I do like to work (hard!) toward a goal and a Half Marathon is a great, very accessible and achievable goal.

What I especially like about this schedule is that there are “Rest Days” and “Cross (that’s what the ‘X’ is) Train Days.”  I’m all about programs. I stick to them like a “Tee” (or is it “T”? You know what I mean.) I plan to add swimming and yoga as my cross training activities, both of which areSilver Linings for the body.

How about you? Do you have any physical goals this year? Changing your exercise regimen at all?


  1. I am in open-mouthed awe at your organizational powers. 🙂 Good luck with the run, and enjoy the training. ~Catherine (Just so you know, Terri from A Fresh Chapter is offering marathon training with a great trainer in exchange for supporting her #Delhi2013 project. – It's on her Fresh Chapter website)

  2. Hi Hollye,

    I love your goals! I ran another half yesterday here in Houston thinking it would be my last. I just wasn't feeling my best and the weather was horrible. With every foot forward I just kept telling myself what I preach to my kids…if you think you can't you won't but if you think you can you will. Long story short I set a PR yesterday and am signing up for another half in SC in March. Good luck with your training!

    1. FANTASTIC, Nancy. Congratulations! What an amazing story. Isn't it amazing when the wisdom/advice that we impart to our children really WORKS?!? Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have signed up for a 10 mile race in early March and have also started doing a series of Jillian Anderson videos that are supposed to run 90 days. I like that the goals are finite. I need deadlines and schedules to keep me honest and I'll have to set another goal once I achieve these two. And I definitely WILL achieve these goals.

    1. Awesome. I am the EXACT same way, Victoria! I'd love to hear about the Jillian Anderson videos. Super excited about your goals. They sound wonderful. Best wishes and please keep me posted on your progress. 🙂

      1. Why do I keep calling her Jillian Anderson? I must have Bleak House or Great Expectations on the brain. It is Jillian Michaels and the series is called Body Revolution. It is a 12 week program and each workout is 30 minutes. I'll let you know how it goes.

  4. omgg this is just what i needed!
    I've been looking for something to inspire me in persuing my love for running since i last stopped about 3 months back and this helped TONS!
    its so organized and exciting, can't wait to start!

    1. Hi Katie! My philosophy is that slow and steady wins the race (especially if your goal is to finish!). Best wishes!

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