Fresh New Look of The Silver Pen

Hellooooooo! In addition to recovering from surgery, traveling for speaking engagements and writing a new book (more on that tomorrow!), I have been redesigning the blog.  Why you ask?  Well, it just didn’t feel quite right in it’s previous state.  I felt like it needed a little “nip and tuck” if you will. Speaking of “nip and tuck,” after my surgery, I promised the HOTY and myself that I would never ever ever get a face lift or liposuction or any other plastic surgery.  There is absolutely no way humanely possible that I would go – electively – under the knife.  I know many people who have had work done and it’s not in any way to criticize or – heaven forbid! – judge. In fact, the women I know who have had work look A-MA-ZING! My proclamation is simply because everything that could go wrong in a surgical suite (and after) seems to for me.  I can ONLY IMAGINE what I would look like if I tried plastic surgery. Cruella De Vil would have nothing on me. Ha!

That was quite a divergence…sorry.

Anyhoo, this explains why I haven’t been posting as consistently as I would normally.  Hope that you understand.  One thing that I know for sure in my post-FBC (f-bomb breast cancer) life is that there is only so much that I can do and that health (in the form of eating well, sleep, exercise, meditation) and relationships are now at the tippy top of my priority list.  The truth is that I try my hardest to walk The Silver Lining walk. It’s certainly not easy, but even trying to stay on the path makes me feel happy, peaceful and balanced.

I hope that you like the new site.  I’d love and appreciate your feedback and ideas.  Tomorrow, I have a humongous announcement to make and am so incredibly excited about it!  In the meantime, I am packing for a trip to New York to share the big announcement on Good Morning America!


  1. I like the new look! It seems less complicated. And since I’m once again recovering from surgery, less complicated is better!! I’ll be watching tomorrow!

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