7 Tips to Avoid Junk Food

7 Tips to Avoid Junk Food

I love junk food. There, I said it. However, I avoid it as much as possible, as much for my overall health as much for my waistline. On the very rare occasion that I do eat junk food, I always feel sluggish immediately after and then inevitably have a food hangover that lasts sometimes for days. The Silver Lining of this food hangover is that (most of the time) it discourages me from eating it the next time.

However, on this Memorial Day weekend, filled with super fun parties and BBQ’s, I find myself drawn to the call of the delightful snacks and candy that I know will be all around me. However, a few simple ideas and behaviors help me and can help you drop junk food like the bad habit it is. Writing this post is a Silver Lining for me because it will help me avoid it altogether…especially today!

Don’t Buy Junk Food for Your Home

The easiest way to avoid eating junk food is to simply not buy it in the first place. DUH. Obvious, I know, but it bears repeating (at least for me). Out of sight is out of mind (or at least not in the forefront of your mind). If I don’t have any salty snacks and chewy sweets within easy reach, I won’t need to bolster my willpower to avoid eating junk food. However, a widespread ban isn’t the way to go, especially if you are just beginning to eliminate junk food from your life. If you’re just starting to cut back on your intake, I would recommend slowly limiting your purchases each week. Eventually, you can work toward eliminating junk food completely, except for the occasional treat.

Fall in Love with Alternatives

Your grocery store & farmers market are full of healthy alternatives to junk food. Instead of ice cream, buy some gluten and sugar free granola and have a bowl with almond milk. If you love salty potato chips, try making your own baked apple slices as a replacement. The next time that you visit the grocery store, wander through the produce section for some inspiration.

Bring Your Own Snacks

Unless you never leave your home, you may find yourself in a situation where junk food is present and calling your name. This has been the case with me, especially traveling so much lately!  When I travel (or am going to be away from home for the day) I always pack my own snacks to help me avoid the urge to buy processed food.  The thing of it is, when I already have a tasty and healthy treat of my own, I never eat the junk. Recently, I invested in reusable containers so that I can take and store perishable items more easily. If you are in an office environment, I highly recommend doing some research on health snack alternatives and then talk with your coworkers and supervisor about including them. It will be a Silver Lining for everyone!

Improve Your Overall Diet

Adding more healthy foods to your diet, such as fruits and vegetables, can help decrease the urge to consume salty and sugary treats.  Many healthy foods, especially those rich with fiber, help you fill up more quickly, reducing your desire to consume other foods to top off your tummy. Apples are my go-to fiber-filled snack. Another option is to consistently eat a fiber and protein filled lunch to tide you over and eliminate your need to foraging for a candy bar to make it through the mid-afternoon doldrums.

Do Something Else

For some people, munching on junk food gives them something to do during a slow moment in the day, especially at work or school. This sure is the case with me! If you tend to eat junk food simply because you’re bored, try coming up with another activity instead. Sometimes when I feel the munchies at my desk, first of all I ask myself if I am truly hungry.  If not, I often stand up and do jumping jacks and push ups.  That gets my heart going and clears my head. If you’re in an office, perhaps you could do jumping jacks and push ups…or if not, go for a short walk around your building and skip past the vending machine.

Drink More Water

This is HUMONGOUS for me. The thing of it is that increasing your fluid intake helps your stomach feel satisfied. In some cases, dehydration can even make you feel hungry. Instead of reaching for junk food (including sodas!) the instant you feel the cold fingers of hunger grip your belly, drink some water instead. If you don’t really enjoy plain water, you could add fruit and chia seeds to your water. This will make you feel REALLY full. You could also try drinking decaffeinated tea.

Avoid Using Junk Food as a Reward

If you’re trying to reach a goal or celebrating something, using a piece of chocolate and other treats may feel tempting. In addition, many parents use junk food to reward their children for good behavior. If you use your creativity, however, you can come up with some better non-food rewards. For your children, buy sheets of stickers or small coloring books as rewards. For our daughter, a/k/a Excitedly Eight, we give her books as rewards. For yourself, you could treat yourself to a massage or mani/pedi.

The Silver Lining is that there are tons of alternatives. In fact, the options are limitless. How do you avoid junk food?  I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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