Why Princess Leia is a Silver Lining


Halloween is a ginormous deal in our family. Sweetly Six eagerly awaits this day for what seems like years (every year!). We usually don’t commit to a costume until about 72 hours before the big day because typically Sweetly Six cannot finalize her decision.

This year, however, is an altogether different year. For months she has known that she would be Princess Leia.

I am completely digging Sweetly Six’s costume choice this year…and, quite frankly, her fixation on Princess Leia. Why, you ask? Well, I have to start with the fact that in 1977, I myself was captivated by the smart talking, rebel leading, blaster-firing Princess. It seemed (and still seems!) like there is nothing that Princess Leia cannot do.

But there are more reasons:

  1. Princess Leia is an effective, highly respected key leader.
  2. She doesn’t wait around for a man to save her. In fact, when rescued by Luke in A New Hope, Princess Leia is hardly impressed by the effort and proceeds to take charge of their escape.
  3. Her one-liners are smart, strong and spunky.
  4. Princess Leia’s authority was never challenged because she is a woman and never defers to a man.
  5. She is an astute politician and capable diplomat.
  6. Princess dresses modestly and doesn’t need a ridiculous sci-fi g-string to kick a**.
  7. She keeps her mind and her wits about her when it counts, thinks creatively and outclasses every pretentious droid pencil pusher in the Galaxy.

My belief is that Princess Leia is an aspirational (incidentally feminine) hero. If Sweetly Six grows up to have Princess Leia’s strength, wisdom, courage, leadership and diplomacy, then there will inevitably be a whole lotta Silver Linings in her life!


  1. HAPPY HALLOWEEN to you and Sweetly Six, and the HOTY !! 🙂

    Sweetly Six picked a great character for her Halloween costume. We should all want to emulate those Princess Leia qualities. They certainly would be silver linings in our lives. <3

  2. I have a feeling Sweetly Six will grow up into an amazing young woman and experience oodles of Silver Linings, she certainly has wonderful parents, two very important Silver Linings. Princess Leia is a great role model, she kept her cool, got things done AND (bonus Silver Lining) wound up with a HOTY, Han Solo.

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