Wonder Woman Super Powers

Wonder Woman | The Silver Pen

Wonder Woman Super Powers

This weekend, Suddenly Seven and I watched Wonder Women: The Untold Story of American Superheroines. Random, I know. It certainly wasn’t what I thought we were going to watch as we snuggled in our bed for a Silver Lining movie. However, as we were trying to decide what to watch, I thought, “Why watch another ding-dong, mind numbing movie? I need to find something that inspires my 7 year old daughter to be strong, smart, confident and bold.”

So, I went to Common Sense Media to see what they suggested. By the way, I LOVE this site. Are you familiar with it? Oh my gosh. It is A-MA-ZING! Their mission is to improve the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. How great is that?

Anyhoo, Wonder Women: The Untold Story of American Superheroines was one of their suggestions and I jumped on it! Initially, Suddenly Seven wasn’t too thrilled about watching a “nonfiction” movie; however, within about 10 minutes, she was completely and totally into it!

The film traces the fascinating evolution and legacy of Wonder Woman. From the birth of the comic book superheroine in the 1940s to the blockbusters of today, this documentary looks at how popular representations of powerful women often reflect society’s anxieties about women’s liberation.

When I was young, my ultimate hero was Wonder Woman. I watched the TV series with Linda Carter religiously and wanted to grow up to BE Wonder Woman. I twirled and twirled with high hopes that I could be transformed into her. What I didn’t know then, but happily know now – and what I talked with Suddenly Seven about – is that each and every young girl and woman has Wonder Woman’s superpowers. All she has to do is call on them!

Here are some of my other favorite lessons from Wonder Woman:

  1. Wonder Woman came to instill a sense of purpose in all of us and to recognize our own inner ability to help the world with our own gifts.
  2. Her gender-bending strength and power is matched by her benevolence as she fights for freedom.
  3. Wonder Woman uses her brain, strength and kindness to restore peace and order.
  4. Even though I may not be able to give Suddenly Seven a “Lasso of Truth” to compel others to be honest, I can help her to speak her own truth which brings forth TRUE strength of mind.
  5. Wonder Woman’s message of “justice, compassion and friendship among women” is one of hope and inspiration that we can all live by.

A couple of messages from the film that really stuck with me:.

  1. Strong women leave legacies. They help you believe: If they can do it, then I can do it!
  2. To become it, you need to believe it.

The Silver Lining of superheroes, especially female ones, that that it exemplifies that I gender is not an obstacle to being all that they want to be and aspire to do.




  1. Having a role model to inspire us is helpful in our pursuit "to become all that we can be".
    At one time Gloria Steinem was my heroine.
    " She was an American feminist, journalist, and social and political activist. She became nationally recognized as a leader and spokeswoman for the women's liberation movement in the late 1960s and 1970s.
    She continues to involve herself in politics and media affairs as a commentator, writer, lecturer, and organizer, campaigning for candidates and reforms, and publishing books and articles."
    (The above profile is from Wikipedia.)
    Having a role model, a mentor, is good and can be an inspiration. As you said Hollye, "if they can do it, I can do it." Gloria Steinem was her own woman, and will leave a dynamic legacy.
    She is still one cool lady!

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