Friday's Fixin's: Collard Greens and White Bean Soup

Recently, I came across a wonderful website called: Cook For Your Life (CFYL). It’s so great that I had to share it with you!

CFYL was founded in 2007 by two-time cancer survivor Ann Ogden Gaffney. She teaches healthy cooking to people touched by cancer. CFYL believes that it’s not only the act of eating that can be part of the healing process, but also the act of cooking. How’s that for a Silver Lining? She also believes that cooking is a simple, easy way to take back the sense of control often lost during cancer treatment and that sometimes just the act of heating up a bowl of homemade soup can feel empowering. I so distinctly remember feeling that way when I was sick. Any time I futz’d in the kitchen during treatment was a comfort to the HOTY (a/k/a Husband of the Year for new readers), he would say, “Hollye’s back!”

I digress. Anyhoo, in 2012 CFYL launched a national subscription free website, to showcase healthy recipes and provide access to information about the advantages of a healthy diet for cancer patients, caregivers and survivors everywhere.

The Silver Lining (and my own prerequisite for entering the kitchen!) is that the recipes are easy to make, easy to digest, and full of the nutrients and vitamins needed to sustain yourself both during and after treatment.

To find recipes and learn more their programs, visit

In the meantime, here is a super delish soup recipe that, eaten with a chunk of good wholegrain bread, is a quick and easy (also prerequisites) recipe that is perfect during chemo or radiation treatment as well as post treatment. The added Silver Lining is that when you cook it, your home will smell divine!

Hope that you enjoy it as much as we do!

 * Kale also works well for this soup. You can use any small white beans, either dried or canned. If using canned beans, drain and rinse them before adding them to the soup.


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