The HOTY Returns: A Good Friday

I’ll leave it to the theologians to discuss the religious connotations of Good Friday. It’s a Good Friday for us because the blogger in chief aka the patient is actually feeling good. Not great but good. From where she has been good is fabulous!

We all take our health for granted. Truth is, no matter how well we eat, exercise and follow the “rules” it all can change in an instant. When people make plans, g-d laughs.

So today is good because it’s good today. Finally Five is happy, we were all together for the afternoon and dinner, and that is good. Be in the moment, one day at a time, stop worrying about the future and live for today.

Slip covers on your furniture, why? Saving for a rainy day? Who ever thought of that one? Bank of America probably. This is not a dress rehearsal as they say.

So when it’s good it’s good. Take it in, photograph it, enjoy it, share it, don’t take it for granted.

Planning a trip for next year? Why not now? Thinking about calling or visiting someone, stop thinking and do it.

So, today has been a good Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, maybe good, maybe great. Enjoy some chocolate and maybe some Peeps. Over and out, for now. 🙂


  1. In spirit of savoring this moment given to us – I respond to your post for Good Friday with – "Thank you for being such a magnificently wise HOTY for our girl Hollye and magnificent father to Finally Five and the boys!" All are blessed by your influence……I include myself with this gratitude.

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