1. Dear Ms. Jacobs,
    First, I would like to say that seeing your website,was a Godsend!!! My name is Kim and I have a very dear friend on facebook who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a mastectomy in January, and is now going through chemo therapy,as of two weeks ago.
    A few days ago, her 'port' became infected. When she went to the hospital,they found that her white blood cell count was very low. I'm not exactly sure of the number. They have been giving her shots to bring the numbers up. Needless to say she is very tired and weak,not to mention not being able to hold much food down.
    She is a very 'strong-willed woman',which I believe will help her through this ordeal. Did I mention she is also quite stubborn? She is,very!!! (smiles) She too like yourself,is a writer. She has had some work published,mostly short-stories. A few of her best writings, she has not submitted,as they are very personal to her and wants to keep them personal.
    They are beautiful.
    I was hoping that,after she read and followed your page,she would be even more determined to continue 'the fight'.
    I thank you for your time,in reading this. And congratulations on your remission. I will also keep you in my prayers.


    1. Dear Kim,
      Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful note. I am deeply appreciative that you took the time to share your friend's story. Please know that I'm sending all of my best wishes to you and your friend.
      Take good care!

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