Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a little something something for Buzz. Our pet is actually easy to buy for. All he wants is treats. He continues to be (as our old dog trainer referred to him): a plunger. Yes, plunger. We literally have to put water into his bowl of food so that he doesn’t eat it in one bite. You can’t believe how driven this guy is for food. So, actually, the gifts I recommend below (aside from the stocking full of treats) are really for my edification. But the Silver Lining is that Buzz will act as if he loves every little thing.
- Fogle & Pole Vintage Collection dog beds, starting at $120 each. (
- Interactive Dog Puzzles
- Holiday Stocking Stuffer Treat Pack
- Orvis Dog Collar
- L.L. Bean Dog Coat
- Dog Breed Christmas Ornaments