Silver Lining Lifelines

This month finds me in a very challenging period. I am working on a project that is all-consuming and full of blood, sweat and tears…literally.

What I learned from my clinical work and now from my personal experience is that grief is reactivated. This process has triggered memories of my outrageously awful experiences during treatment. As a result, I’ve had some real down time. Down as in Isolation Island down. Wow, I sure as heck wasn’t ready for a visit THERE again…EVER.

I have been in sore need of Silver Linings. In fact, one day was so tough that  I literally had to create my own Silver Linings by reaching out to two friends who are intimately aware of the project and it’s process.  I literally asked for some virtual love and a pick-me-up. As a result, I received more love, support and encouragement than I ever could have asked for.

Here’s the thing about Silver Linings: seeking them is a choice. Sometimes it even takes actively pursuing them. No matter what, they are always still there!



  1. Dear Hollye-
    I am sorry you are feeling down. I think you are amazing and your site is such an inspiration to me. I have not found another site where I feel so at home. What you do is truly remarkable and a gift. I wish every woman diagnosed knew about you.
    Take care,

    1. Thank you so much, Jennifer. Your note truly means the world to me!
      My intention in writing the post was to let people know that sad and hard and challenging circumstances perpetually arise and the key to coping is finding beloved Silver Linings.
      Thank you again for your comment!

  2. I am so sorry to hear that you have hit a "rough patch". You are always so uplifting and inspiring to those of us who follow your blog, especially on our "down days". You always encourage us to seek the silver linings, and to remain aware enough to acknowledge them when they come to us. Sometimes we do need to actively reach out to someone else for that hand of help. I am happy to hear that you were not afraid to do so, and that you encourage us to reach out when we need to; our loving friends are happy to help.
    Here are two inspiring quotes when in the "dumps".
    "Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before."
    ~ James Buckham
    "Enthusiasm is followed by disappointment and even depression, and then by renewed enthusiasm."
    ~ Murray Gell-Mann

  3. Thank you so much. I firmly believe that we all have so much to learn on a daily basis…and happen to be inspired by the opportunities. Thank you so much for your wonderful and consistent comments. It is always a treat and delight to hear from you!

  4. You're so right on, Kim. Absolutely. Good idea to wait the five years. It is a wise and insightful decision. I think that I'm able to go back into it because, for the most part, I am able to separate my clinical life and my personal one. Thank you for your note, as always!

  5. Rats! Did not read this post until now. Been there, done that, I know what a truly miserable place it is to visit and revisit. Rock on, Miss Hollye, know that YOU are the Silver Lining to many, many of us. No matter how dark the tunnel, how many bumps and turns in the road, the Light is there, waiting for you. Even when you do not see it and are muttering under your breath and feel all phhhhhttt, still there and eventually you do see it and it's lovely and warm and healing. Sending you hugs, love and lots of lovely Silver Lined Light.

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